Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

If you are new or old to blogging it doesn't matter! Get going, get involved and get busy learning.

Mr. Cheney

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Survival Test

This is Rochelle, Tamana, Gitie & Mannat survival test! This is an extremely clever and creative way to construct their test! 


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Survival Guide - Creating a Survival Challenge

Hey G Tent

It's time for you to create your own survival test and answer similar to the ones written in the Stanley Yelnats Survival guide. 

Look at the examples below:

You and a partner will create your own Camp Green Lake Survival Test.  Using the same format as above create a clever but important survival test.  Post your full test below. 

"I ran into the tent door" 

Monday, July 14, 2014



Stanley accidentally bumps The Lump in the wreck room and is left to defend himself.  However X Ray comes to his defence and saves Stanley from getting pounded.  Why would X Ray do this?  There are obvious answers but for the critical thinkers there are some clever and well hidden reasons for X Rays actions.

Share your response Why Did X Ray save Stanley from fighting The Lump

Engage in dialogue with 3 other people about his reasons.

Prove your point with real world examples

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gallery Walk

Gallery Walk

Welcome to our online Math Problem Solving Poster exhibit.

In this post you will see an array of constructed posters by the grade 87 summer school split class.

The students were introduced to photography and worked on using composition, colour saturation, contrast, and tilt shift focus to construct an enticing photo.

Using the application OVER the students then added a specific quote to go with the photo to make a poster that is a motivational guide to problem solving.  

Browse and comment on these tremendous creations. 

The pictures are listed below and categorized 

Look at the photos and then comment specifically about 5 of them in the appropriate area

Comment on the effectiveness of the poster as a Math Problem Solving guide

Is the quote helpful?

Is the photo and quote a good combination?

How is the quality and creativity of the photo?

these are all things that can be commented on 

We want to be positive and encouraging but at the same time provide feedback that will lead to improvement next time. 

1. "Isolate"

2. Dandelion 

3. Vader

4. Shootout

5. Pencil Crayon 

6. Whiteboard

7. Textbook

8. Red Marker

9. Basketball

10. Rose

11. Key

12. Chart Paper

13. Paths

14. Glasses

15. Time

16. Bike

17. Black and White

Monday, July 7, 2014

Holes Part 1


The motto of Camp Green Lake is that is you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole everyday for 18 months he will eventually become a good boy

Does physical labour build character and make you a better person?  Use evidence from the real world to defend your position and then engage in dialogue with two other students to restate and attempt to sway others to share your opinion.

Recall that it is important to respond to everyone that responds to your response and actively seek out two students with opposing views to engage in dialogue

"You thirsty?"

"Yes Mr. Sir"

"Well, get use to it"

Thursday, July 3, 2014

iPhone Photography

iPhone  Photography

Hey check out these videos for extra tips and ideas how to use your iPod/iPad for photography


Education and the role of the Educator.

Check out our first Video on the ever changing state of education:


Watch the video 
Take notes of the 3 most interesting thing

Write a post sharing the most interesting theme from the video

Comment on two other posts and engage in some dialogue 

Its the student banter back and forth that enhances and makes the blogging experience meaningful