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Mr. Cheney

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Survival Guide - Creating a Survival Challenge

Hey G Tent

It's time for you to create your own survival test and answer similar to the ones written in the Stanley Yelnats Survival guide. 

Look at the examples below:

You and a partner will create your own Camp Green Lake Survival Test.  Using the same format as above create a clever but important survival test.  Post your full test below. 

"I ran into the tent door" 


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  2. http://www.bookemon.com/book_read.php?book_id=406828
    Abina & Hitisha
    This is our survival test booklet in the format of an online booklet

  3. A newcomer took your canteen and drank all your water and you are very thirsty. He came to camp green lake because of assault and attempted murder to a police officer who accused him of robbery. You........

    A) You start a fight with him because he took your water

    B) Tell a Councillor someone drank your water and you have no water left

    C) Don't bother at all, it's just water right?

    D) Drink his own water, canteen, for a canteen right?

    E) Sit down and cry for water

    F) Ask some other group member to give you some water

    A) is incorrect. What's wrong with you, are you dumb? You don't start any fights while digging, you need that energy for digging your hole. Also what if this guy your messing with is tougher than you, so why would you take a risk to injure yourself. Remember that some people may look weak but are actually very strong you fool.

    B) is incorrect. What is the councillor going to do, they ain't going to help you out punk. They don't care about whether you have water or not. All they care about is that you are digging your hole. They won't punish the guy that took your water or they won't give you water. All you are doing is ruining your reputation since people will think you are a loser for telling the councillor what happened.

    C) is incorrect. What the heck do you think you're doing loser? you can't survive a day out there in that burning waste land without water. that water is practically you're life line out there, without that, you'de dehydrate and die. have fun being buzzard food.

    D) Is incorrect. What you be thinking idiot the only reason that he drank your water was because he ain't got no water left himself. if you take his canteen, there ain't gonna be any water in that Canteen boy. Even if you try to get his canteen, that guy will beat you silly for trying to take his canteen, even without the water. "No gain, more pain that's how it works in Camp Green Lake

    E) Is incorrect. Why would you even consider to sit down and cry? what's wrong with you fool? This ain't no girl scout camp, you got a reputation to keep and crying will put you so low, zero would have been king of the camp compared to you. And what you crying for, there ain't no gain to what you're doing. if you cry, consider yourself dead already.

    F) is incorrect. No one's going to let you have any of there water, it's there water fool, and you ain't gonna steel it. It's like one of the unwritten rules, you NEVER take another water fool, what's wrong with you even thinking it? there as thirsty as you are. Imagine how berserk they will go, when they find out, you stole there water.


    The correct answer is T) Tell the warden that you ain't got no water and you're thirsty. tell her you can't dig no holes without your water. The warden will do a lot to make sure you do what you are here for which is digging holes. Remember, this is camp green lake, ain't no one makes your decision for you and if you are making the wrong decisions now. Oh Boy! You ain't gonna last long here.

    1. It is a situation well thought out
      Nice question

    2. The survival test is very good. It is well thought out. I like how there is an explanation for why some of the answers are incorrect. Overall it is very good!

  4. Survival Test

    Question 1. You are in the middle of nowhere and you see a pool of water what would you do?

    A) Leave everything behind and dive into the pool of water

    B) Be a good kid and go back to the campsite and keep on digging even though it looks tempting

    C) You Fool ! Your probably hallucinating there is no water for miles away

    D) Try to get away from the camp by staying in the pool of water

    E) Drink the water and make it your own water supply

    F) Go for a swim in your pool of water


    A) is incorrect because there probably no water in a middle of nowhere

    B) is incorrect because if your in the middle of nowhere and no campers are with you. Then you shouldn't be digging there

    C) is incorrect because there is no water in a mile of away and you must be seeing things

    D) is incorrect because if you stay in the pool and don't come back to camp green lake there will be search parties looking for you everywhere.

    E) is incorrect because if you make it your own water supply and go back to camp green lake you will have to come back and fourth for water

    F) is correct because you'd be hallucinating so go for a swim in the sand you will become the crazy guy and nobody wants to mess with the crazy guy

    By: Namreet and Bella

    1. A very precise situation and wonderful advice
      Nice question

    2. I like the question along with the answers. Very good
      Although I feel like that the options don't match to the answers for the options. You said be a good kid and go back to the campsite and keep on digging even though it looks tempting, as option b. But for option b's answer you wrote B) is incorrect because if your in the middle of nowhere and no campers are with you, then you shouldn't be digging there. In the answer you wrote " you shouldn't be digging there" referring to the middle of nowhere, but in the option you wrote " go back to the campsite and keep on digging."

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  6. TEST 2
    If you just went in your tent and got shocked to see that one of your friend was there, and he was making fire. But he was laughing and joking around thinking that it was funny. At first you didn’t care about the fire. But that was not until you saw that the fire was getting bigger and more dangerous, heading towards all directions. Even towards you while you were trying to write a letter. You did fear for yourself, but more than yourself, you feared that the fired might burn the letters and everything in the tent. You get up and you have no clue of what to do. But you know that you will have to apparently do something. And in fear you decide to:
    A) Yell and scream for help.
    B) Run away from there as fast as you can.
    C) You would use your canteens, and pour all the water in there on the fire.
    D) Throw whatever materiel and tool comes in your hand in it.
    The answer is not A), yell and scream for help.
    The answer is not B) Run away from there as fast as you can.
    C) You would use your canteens, and pour all the water in there on the fire, is incorrect.
    But D) Throw whatever materiel and tool comes in your hand in it, is… not correct either.
    The right answer is…………………………………….......................... E) All of the above.
    First you should do D) Throw whatever materiel and tool comes in your hand in it. With this at least a bit of your fear will go away. Then C) You would use your canteens, and pour all the water in there on the fire. This will make the fire less. Because the amount of time that you took to freak out, the fire got bigger. And when you randomly just threw everything you found in it you might have threw something that made it bigger. Then you would do B) Run away from there as fast as you can, because you just found out that there wasn't enough water in it. You had drank most of it, because you were pretty tired. And the fire was still there. And finally you should do A) Yell and scream for help. So that when people come and help you the fire will go away.

    By: Dhavani, Srushti, Pooja

    1. I like your survival test. It is said well. Although I think you should say why a,b,c,d, and e are wrong. I think you should have put in a sentence or two explaining why. But overall the test was very good!

  7. TEST 1
    You have woke up early in the morning, and have been digging until the evening. Now finally when it’s time to take your 4 minutes shower, The LUMP accidently bumps into you and gets into to a fight, with blaming on you. In this situation your 2 minutes get wasted and now all you have is another 2 minutes. You should…
    a) Take a two minute shower, and get to the wreck room to rest for the day.
    b) Tell Mr. Sir about your scenario, and wait for him to make up an answer.
    c) Get in a fight again, and take someone else's shower time.
    d) Skip your shower, and smell for the rest of the day with dirt all over you.

    e) You say there wasn't any water coming, and expect Mr. Sir to give you an extra time.
    E... is incorrect. If you tell Mr. Sir the water wasn't coming, he will certainly catch your lie. Remember he is the one in- charge. And if get caught lying situation can get worse, and then you will regret on this crazy idea.

    D... is incorrect. Why would you skip your shower man, it should be the LUMP who started to fight with you. Why shall it be you who gets no shower time? If you want reputation at Camp Green Lake, you will certainly have to act tough and fight for yourself. So skipping your shower time means you have no courage.

    C…Is incorrect. If you get into a fight again, guess what you will waste your time that you are supposed to spend resting, and that’s means tried the whole next day and rot in the sun. Don’t you want your rest time? Then forget this option!

    B…Is incorrect. If you tell Mr. Sir the truth, guess what first you will get punished for fighting along with the other person, and second you will get no shower time. Do you really expect Mr. Sir to give you extra time? Because if you do, you are day dreaming.

    A…Is correct, Take that two minutes shower. Guess what you still get a shower so you are fresh for now at least. So is your reputation will be saved and you will get a shower!

    By: Dhavani, Srushti, Pooja.

    1. I enjoy reading this survival guide. Good job. I especially like how you explained the reason for why which answer is correct, and why which is not.

  8. Every Sunday at Camp Green Lake they serve 2 pancakes to every Juvenile delinquent for breakfast. You go to your table to find only 1 pancake on your plate. You turn around to find your pancake had been shared between another tent, what do you do?

    A: March over and ask for your pancake pieces back
    B: Tell a councillor that another tent has stolen your pancake and you wish for justice
    C: Tell your tent members to help get it back
    D: Plot a master plan for next Sunday to rob them of their glorious pancakes.
    E: Leave it alone continue your breakfast.

    A is incorrect, because in Camp Green Lake you don't often find someone that cares about, umm, oh yeah.... the way you feel so there's no point in asking for it back you'll either get chewed out or publicly humiliated.

    B is incorrect, the councillor isn't there to serve you "Justice" fool. He's only there to make sure your holes get done. You never, ever tell the councillors your problems because they will always tell you "Look at the bright side, at least you have 1 pancake. Be optimistic

    C is incorrect, in Camp Green Lake never drag your "friends" to help you do your dirty work. It just shows that you always need them for protection and you can't handle yourself. This will ruin your reputation with the other camp members and you don't wanna look helpless fool, your suppose to be somebody! Act like it!

    The correct answer is E then, D
    you leave it alone do nothing about and continue with your breakfast. then start plotting your evil plan to get back at them next Sunday. start to gather little stones and rocks,also sand add add it to the batter and then it would be easy to get some payback. those fools would never know what happened to their precious little pancakes. You don't mess with a man's pancake at camp Greenlake and if you do, you pay the ultimate price.

    1. Great survival test. It is well thought out and detailed, especially with the explanation of why which option is correct. Overall the test was great!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Situation: you have been digging all day, it is noon, there is no one around, and everyone is filling up their canteen. The truck is 400 m away; you decided to dig your hole near a dead tree. You have very little water, and the front of your shoes is ripped. You see something shiny, and you go to pick it up. It ends up to be a gold coin, now you need to decide what to do. You know that if you hand it in you will get the rest of the day off.

    A: x-ray has told you to offer your finding to him so he could get his day off. You have the choice to give it x-ray. You could be in his tent or not, or he could have left the camp by the time you were here.

    B: you could run to the truck and give it to your councillor, and they would give you the rest of the day off.

    C: you could keep digging to find something else, you could find more coins, and hand them in later,

    D: you could show off and say I found something to the rest of the campers, and provoke them.

    E: you could hold it until tomorrow.


    A is incorrect because you are actually in tent G, and even if x-ray is still in the camp, he would probably still be in tent D. that means he would be on a different digging site.

    B: is also incorrect, since it is noon and you have already dug majority of your hole, it would be pointless to hand it in cause you would only get half the day off.

    D: is absolutely incorrect, that would be a ludicrous decision. Showing it to a bunch of guys, who are dying to get the rest of the day off. If you show them what you found, they will fight you for it and knock you out, and take it.

    C and E are correct, you could keep on digging to search for more items, cause you could cash them in once or twice a week and get the day off . It is possible to find more and don’t tell the warden where you actually find it, so you could go and search for more later.

    video................................................. coming soon........................... by rajveer, sandhu

  11. holes test

    you come back to yourtent but your cott is missing,the gruond is terriably dirty. what do you do.

    a.) complain to the warden.
    b.) sleep on the gruonde.
    c.) ask one of your ffriends to share the bed.
    d.) take someones cottt withhout them knowing.
    e.) push someone of the bed when they are asleep.
    f.) puond someone so badly that they will faint and thriuogh them someone where so that you can sleep on there cott.
    g.) build your own cott.
    h.) kill all the bugs and make a bugbed out of the dead bugs.

    a.) incorrect,the warden does not care about you.
    b.) incorrect,there is too mich dirt and insects on the grounde and you wont be able to sleep there.unless...
    c.) incorret,there is not enough space on the cott for 2 people ad who would want to share with you.
    d.)incorrect,someone will realize that the cott is theres annd will pound you. plus the cott could be attachhed to the grounde.
    e.)correct, pushing someone will cause you trouble.but you can gentally put them on the ground at night and wake up early to put them back on there cott.
    f.) remember that there is always someone bigger and tougher than you.
    g.) you cant ,you dont have the materials to build a cott or a bed.
    h.) ewwwww no way! you can get infected by the dead bugs.

  12. Welcome to camp Green lake. Let me make something clear this is NOT camp fun and games. This is a juvenile facility where you are honing to be broken down......... And not built back up. When you leave this camp you will be come a totally new person believe it or not, this is because the conditions are so harsh you have no choose but to change yourself!
    Here are a few questions to answer, let's see if you are ready for camp green lake? Or not? 
    If one morning you wake up realize that your life line is for some reason not there do u.......
    A) start weeping like a baby 
    B) ask your tent members if any of then took it
    C) ask your counsellor 
    D)forget about it and move on
    A) is incorrect because you have been arrested and sent to a juvenile facility so I don't think you should be crying like a 2 year old!
    B) is incorrect this is because if one of your tent members finds your life line they will most likely say...... 
    “You owe me, because I found your life line so now I want...”
    Well it's incorrect if you don't want to do something for sone one. 
    C) is wrong! You might think that your counsellor is like your parent and that you can ask him any question but your wrong! Asking your counsellor is wrong, all he will do is tell your tent members which is just like option B. 
    D) Is not correct. Since your life line is the only one thing you brought from your life before coming to this camp you will want to treasure it for ever.
    The correct answer is S then R.
    S because you first Slowly and Swiftly Spy and Search because you don't want to blame and other camp member for something your not even sure that they did and you have no proof it's one of them. So you quietly just search to see if you might have misplaced it somewhere or see if you see anyone with it. 
    When you have proof that you know who took it, then do R, which is to create a ruckus and pulverize the person who took it because you think you are the "toughest" person around and let everyone know who the filthy thief is, that would steal a person's lifeline. Then the rest of the campers can decide what would be his punishment. Just to let you know you are never going to be the toughest person around because you will always find a person that is meaner and more tougher than you!

    If you fall into a hole and can't get out you should.......

    A) scream for help
    B) stay there until some comes by
    C) stay there until someone figures out you are gone
    D) use all your energy trying to get out

    A) is wrong, if you scream for help you will seem like a little baby who needs help to get out of a hole that he dug himself.

    B) chances of some one coming to your hole are very rare. After everyone had dug a hole they will rush back to camp to take a shower, eat and relax.

    C) your camp members will most likely think that You are still digging your hole, or a some where in the camp (washroom, shower etc.)

    D) The chances of you being able to get out less likely. This is because a 5 feet deep hole is deeper than you think it is. But just you wait for the answer to come.

    The answer is M make small patches/ steps in the hole. Which act like a ladder, you will place your foot In the patch and give your self a push.

    1. Mine and Gurvirs

    2. I like your survival test. It was very well thought out. Good job! I really like the second survival test, how you said that if your stuck in a hole, create a step so that you could get out. That's a clever and smart idea. Thoroughly explained!

  13. Survival Test

    After digging your hole, you go to take a shower but for some reason the water from the shower head doesn't work.
    You should...
    A) Skip your shower and head to the wreck room for the rest of your day.
    B) Turn the shower off then turn it on again until water comes out of the shower head.
    C) Yell "Help!" until someone comes to fix the shower.
    D) Get dressed and tell one of the councillors that the shower isn't working.
    E) Get dressed then get out and try another shower stall and see if it works.

    A) is incorect. If you go around Camp smelling like dirt, people will say "you reek!". T hat's a very bad choice!
    B) is incorrect. Your going to be there all day wasting your time that you could've used finding another shower stall.
    C) is incorrect. No one will help you at Camp Green Lake, you're there for your own good! You shouldn't of done what you did to get there!
    Answer is E then D! Check all the shower stalls and see if they work. If any of them work, finish showering and then tell one of the concillors which ones don't work.

  14. I like your survival test. Although you stated that the correct answer is e, then d. But e says that you get dressed and then go find another working stall. I think that by the time you get dressed and find another working stall, you may not have much or even any time left. I think you could have tweeked that option a bit, to make it go with the answer a bit better. But overall the test was great. Great work!
