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Mr. Cheney

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Education and the role of the Educator.

Check out our first Video on the ever changing state of education:


Watch the video 
Take notes of the 3 most interesting thing

Write a post sharing the most interesting theme from the video

Comment on two other posts and engage in some dialogue 

Its the student banter back and forth that enhances and makes the blogging experience meaningful


  1. I agree with the fact that students are afraid to take risks, thinking that it will, in some way decrease their academic status, for example: the smartest kid in class might not say anything, or participate in class a lot, because of the fear that if they got something wrong it will make them seem less smarter. but what we don't realise, is that most of the time, we learn from our mistakes and that is how we succeed: by making mistakes.

    1. Was there anything that Tony Wagner said, which you disagreed with?

    2. Were there any quotes you found interesting? did you agree with any? disagree?

    3. Since some students are not comfortable with studenta and may feel scared to make a mistake. Do you think this relies on the relationships with classmates? because if you have good relationships with classmates they will not care about a mistake you make and with good relationships you will not be scared about making mistakes.

    4. What is one way we can help to boost students self-confidence?

    5. Do you only think that students are not taking risks because they think that the outcome might affect their academic status in a negative way or maybe there’s another reason.

    6. @jamin Patel, I agree, if students have good relationships with their classmates then I think that they will not be afraid to take risks ans make mistakes

    7. @gurvir sanghera I think that one thing we can do to increase students self confidence is to encourage making mistakes, because I believe you learn from your mistakes and that is the best way to learn. We should not make a big deal, just because a person made a mistake.

    8. @anant sabarwal I think that the vast majority of kids are not taking risks because they think it will affect their academic status in some way, they think that they will seem "less smarter" if they make a mistake. We need to create an environment where making mistakes is OKAY, where you won't be considered a failure for your mistakes. Because I believe you learn from your mistakes.

    9. Hitisha you wrote that making mistakes it good because you will then learn from them but have you ever wondered that making mistakes often is also bad?!?!
      They say make mistakes then learn from them but let's speak the truth in the real world you don't have second chances to fix your mistakes!!!!!!!

    10. I understand what you are trying to say, but my point is that a lesson learned from your mistakes is a lesson that will stay with you for life rather than a lesson you have told or taught. For example, you are always told that jumping on your bed is bad because you can get hurt, but if you were jumping on your bed and you got hurt, that would be a lesson learned that would stay with you for life. I think that the lesson learned from your mistakes holds more value than something you are just told or taught.

  2. Some things that were interesting were that half the college graduates are employed or UNEMPLOYED. A third of the college graduates are just sitting at HOME! I'm sure that most of them are pretty smart so why are they unemployed and just sit at home!? Also something that was very shocking was that many successful people such as Steve Jobs were high school drop-outs. How did he become so successful and intelligent even though he was a drop out. There are some students out there who are exceeding the amount of knowledge they should have, yet they are not as successful as him.

    1. Do you think all graduates should be employed? If not why, and if yes, than would this have negative effects?

    2. Do you think that Steve Jobs knew he was going to be as successful when he dropped out? Do you think he did what Tony said in the video of how the world wants to see what you DO with the things you know? Do you think he used his science/technology and computer skills and learning in high school to be as successful as he was even though he was a drop out?

    3. Every college graduate does not need to be employed because some may want very good jobs where they must go to university. Although the major problem is a third of the college graduates are not studying or working. A third of the college graduates are just sitting at home and that is the major problem

    4. Jamin College graduates rarely go to University because they already have got their degree or degrees from College and all they need to do is find a job. But sometimes college graduated don't take the intative to go find a job they think the job will coming running for them, and that doesn't always happen. I think the College Graduates who are not employed are actually pretty lazy because there are so many jobs out there in the world which fits their resuma but they just don't want to try.

    5. The fact the a third of college graduates are unemployed, is an economic problem. Yes, it does have its link to education in many, many ways, though I cannot say that they are unemployed because of the education they received. I agree with the facts that the world is developing very fast, and the education system may not be able to keep up with it, but there can also be many other reasons why there are many college students who are unemployed

    6. If those graduates that are sitting at home, get jobs, doesn't that mean the others losing the same job. Since not everyone can the same job with high salary which may make a lose for the company!

    7. There are many reasons of why graduates are sitting at home, not looking for jobs. It could be a personal issue, a family problem, or even there may not be any jobs available to what they studied and were looking for.There are many reasons. In this world, there are limits of available jobs, but many many people.
      I guess a major reason for most graduates sitting at home could be that since 2 thirds of the graduates already have jobs, all jobs might have been taken, and so a third of the graduates are left out. Now a days it is very hard to find a job that is suitable to you.

      But do you think there is a way to solve this?Or a way to improve this difficult situation?

  3. One thing I remember from what Tony Wagner has said is that, " Knowledge today is a commodity (meaning goods or products), knowledge is free like air and water". I wouldn't say that I absolutely disagreed with his main theme or his talk, but I did disagree with this one sentence he had brought up. I don't believe knowledge is a product and neither is it free, it doesn't always cause money but we do pay to get knowledge, with is known as hard work. If knowledge is free, than I guess every single person would have it today, but the fact is, it's not. Tony Wagner used Khan Academy website for an example, which gives good quality of education of people are willing to accept it. And who knows, there can be people who learn from that website, but you still need to focus and have an aim to accept that knowledge. He had also mentioned that, "Einstein once said that formulation of the problem more important than the solution". And that I completely agree with. This is because, a solution is there to come up, it may be right and it may be wrong. But the main knowledge is in your education.

    1. Knowledge is provided for everyone but only to those who want it. With knowledge always comes a price.

    2. What would you say the overall theme is?? I personally didn't really get a theme from it..

    3. Tamana- That was my point, knowledge has a price which doesn't always has to be money, but instead hard work.

      Gitie- I think that this video had more than one theme, but the one that stood out to me the most is the talk about the change in the education system. How he used quotes such as fail early, fail often and Knowledge is a commodity, to prove his points correct.

    4. Was there any themes you disagreed with?

    5. I disagree with fail early fail often, because you can't just always fail, you have to learn how to pass, fail + fail= Fail. But you have to success in order for you to understand what success means.

  4. Something that Tony Wagner spoke about that caught my attention was one of the motto's he spoke about given from a College/University. "Fail Early, Fail Often". I don't know if this would really be considered a "theme" but it most defiantly seized to catch my attention. He also mentioned how we learn from our mistakes rather then success. Don't get me wrong, I've always heard that "Learn from your mistakes" saying, but that quote... That quote just stood out. The fact that is a motto is really exceptional. It takes education to a whole new level. It kinda just tells you that its alright to fail. You learn from it. I personally 100% agree and adore this quote.
    Fail Early, Fail Often.

    Albert Einstein also stated a clever quote. "The Formulation of the problem is more important then the solution". -*continue later*

    1. But doesn't learning from your mistakes lead to success?

    2. "fail early, fail often". I'm actually not so fond of this quote. The one who has said this, is referring back to the saying of " You learn from your mistakes". From how I see it, they are trying to say that failing early is good because you will learn from your mistakes before you hit an older age where learning from your mishaps no longer matter. Furthermore the quote says to fail often by the simple reasoning that you will learn from your mistakes. Meaning the more often you fail, the more you will learn from those fails. I'm not against the saying of "You learn from your mistakes" its true; we do learn from our mistakes. However we don't always. You can fail all you want, if you want to. But you can get back up and succeed, if you want to. According to the quote "Fail early, fail often", if that's the case then when are the good parts coming into your life if you'll always be failing? If your busy failing often, when will you have the time to pass? This is why i don't agree with that quote.

    3. continuation
      To be honest the gist of this video hasn't came really clear to me. So I guess you could say I got "attached" to what I an understand or at least get something out of. Which I guess are the quotes and what not. But yes let me continue, there is the Fail Early, Fail Often quote. 100% Absolutely love that! Then there is the Albert Einstein quote. I cannot really say I 100% love this quote like I did for Tony's quote. First thing first, I had to google what formulation meant. But once I did that, I realized that the quotes meaning is spot on! The point he is exceeding to explain is that we should have a tip top understanding of the problem. Rather then kind of rush through the problem and hustle to get a answer.I could relate this quote to the math tips. Specifically to the grade 7s I #believe which won the phenomenal Star War's sticker(s). Their tip was to get a deep understanding *formulation* of the math questions or any question really. The tip its self was to read and re-read the "trivia" until you get "proper" understanding. But lets just say, if that tip isn't valid then neither is Albert's quote.

      Yes it does lead to success. I think you misunderstood me, I shared that quote because it interested me . I agree with Tony Wagner. You do learn from your mistakes. I think he stated " You learn from your mistakes rather then your success". The quote is "Fail Early, Fail Often". The fails are referring to your Mistakes or what ever you want to call it. Its almost like a human instinct to correct your self.^^Srushti^^

      I think your misusing the word "often". Often does not mean always. Often could be majority of the time. But your saying "you hit an older age where learning from your mishaps no longer matter" . If that was accurate, then that quote wouldn't be a college's/university's motto. I know I said I did not quite get the gist of the video, but there is some stuff he said that I took in. What that has to do with your argument? I am sure he mentioned something about how people learn from their mistakes rather then learn from their success. So in mines and Tony's case your argument is invalid. Our fail's would kind of be our stepping stones to success rather then a blocking our way to success.

    4. Tamama : Im going to have to agree with Gitie 101% . We learn from our mistakes and yes that is very true . What i disagree of your argument would have to be your over all main idea that is If your busy failing often, when will you have the time to succeed .
      No one ever Acknowledged that we could go out there and succeed the first time , in some cases yes it is very true but in others its not . You have to fail to learn .
      ``The earlier you catch a bug, the cheaper it is to remove it```many computer techs use that quote a lot . If you find the bug ( virus) it will be cheaper to remove because it causes less damage rather than finding it in advanced time and having to pay more for the damage . It relates to this quote if you fail early you will learn easier and it wont impact you as much because you will learn from your mistakes . Rather than failing later .
      Now Tamana Do you think Thomas eddison failed on his first time building a light bulb? You said that You can fail all you want, if you want to. But you can get back up and succeed, if you want to . Fail is not always a choice it is a horrible blessing but it gives us a meaningful lesson . Thomas Edisson failed many times and it was not a choice it was the simple fact that he didn't know everything he was doing but after learning from his mistakes he created a light bulb .
      In my eyes we Fail because we don`t know and we get back up because we do know . Failing teaches us , If we fail early and often reality wont hit us in the face one day for the one time we do fail ! You see we all could fail , we all fall , we all learn . We fail because we don`t know , failing is only a choice when you know , then again i wouldn't call that failure i would call that self abuse almost because you let your self fail when you had everything you needed to succeed .
      Overall we need failure to succeed . You could fail all you want but just because you fail does not mean that one wont get up and try again to succeed ,

    5. Although people always say you learn for your mistakes it isn't always true. How can you succeed if you always keep making mistakes! The quote tries to say make mistakes but don't worry you learn from it. This is true the the person will not or shouldn't do that mistake again but it also says that the more mistakes you make the more you will learn from.

    6. Thanks Rochelle.

      Mannat can you rephrase that? Do you agree or disagree with the quote? I think you are over emphaszing the quote.

    7. Gitie I disagree with the quote ......... "Fail Early, Fail Often"

  5. 1. something I found interesting was Einstein's quote......
    " the formulation of the problem is more important than the solution".
    it's trying to say that the creating of the problem is more important than the solution so...... first we must understand the problem and the reason it was created then the solution.

    -"The world cares about what you can do with what you know," this is a powerful and a very deep thing to say. its pretty self explanatory but its also pretty broad. here is an example to help you understand it more.......
    this is an amazing example: you are a fire fighter the world (people who you have to save/ society) doesn't care about what you know but instead it cares what you can do with what you know. so you know how to save some one in a fire GREAT.... but no one cares until you show the world what YOU CAN DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW and save the person!!!

    - in the video the man also asked the audience how many of them had memorises the periodic table, a school of them said yes they had to memorised it when they were in high school.But now a days in the 21st century kids don't need to deal with all of this stuff that the early generations had to deal with. or while you look in a book for the answer I'll already be done with Google!!! so the future is already here and there's a lot more to arrive.

    these are my 3 most interesting things I found and I have also written a post for all of them as the most interesting theme from the video.

    1. Tony Wagner also mentioned the knowledge is a commodity, it's free, it's like water and it's like air, do you agree with this or not?

    2. I like the things you Shared Mannat. But now that the 21st century kids have google... Do you still think the educators will make us memorize periodic tables and such?

    3. @Tamana
      Educators these days still memorize things such as the periodic table and I agree with that because you won't always have your device and that's when your knowledge comes in handy

    4. But Jamin has Tony said what's the point of memorizing things like the periodic table when new chemicals or other things are added to the periodic table. you would have just studied it and remembered it for the moment or the test but after that slowly you will just forget it because you didn't find it important and you weren't passionate about it.

    5. I understand now thanks.
      But most educators still make their students memorize such things and if there is something added everytime and you wont remember, there is no point of memorizing such things. I guess that is something Tony is trying to explain.

    6. Srushti: No actually I don't agree knowledge isn't free like water and air. If it was there wouldn't be soooo many charities or fundraiser so trying to raise money for education for children.

      Tamana: NO now a days teachers wouldn't make us learn the periodic tablet his is because there is so much technology they wouldn't waste their time teaching us something which isn't that important instead they probably would have other things to teach.

  6. There were many affecting points with in this video but there was one that stood out by far in my opinion and that is the world cares about not what you know but what you could do with what you know.
    This world is filled with many antagonistic and aggressive people who are all fighting for the same jobs.
    But now lets back track a bit and hold that thought , lets say a young boy is sitting in his grade 8 french class learning a lesson about pizza . Completely irrelevant . Well lets say this boy had to do a project and he did exceptionally well and gets a very high mark on his report card . Now lets say this boy could get a volunteer job for introducing people who speak French to his school .
    Evidently the boy learned a pizza lesson , and now he knows how to order a pizza , and the toppings , ect. But what could the boy really do with what he knows ? Is he suppose to introduce the French speaking people in his school by ordering a pizza ?
    Going back to that statement about aggressive people going for the same job the young boy would stand no chance compared to another student who could speak French relativism well and not only about pizza.
    You see its not that you didn't do well its just that teachers are teaching pretty irrelevant things in my opinion that wont make help us get that job at the interview in 6 years .
    You see the world cares about not what you know but what you could do with what you know , and this really stood out for me . unquestionably if you teach me something you should also teach me what to do with it . If you teach me algebra also teach me how this is effective to me and what i could do with it . Anyone could learn something but in this world its about what you do with what you learn and this was the most interesting and truthful quote to me in this video .

    1. Were there any other quotes that stood out to you?

    2. Haha. I actually find that funny Rochelle because your response connects with the gold book today. I don't recall efficiently but it went something like this: "education is only the things you remember when your out of school." Meaning that real education are things that are taught and remembered. They say how when you graduate from school and don't remember what you have learned, everything was just temporary and insignificant which caused you to forget lessons. Which brings us back to.... Real and prime time education are things that we will need to learn that will be In our daily lives so it will be a constant review every time we do It.

    3. Great comparison tam !
      srushit :"The formula of the problem is more important than the solution` is another quote that stood out for me . We often think that the solution means more than the formula but without the formula there would be no solution .
      The quote stood out for me and was extremely true . The way i see it is like the formula is like the stress, the mountain , its the weight and it means more then the destination . Because its not about were your bringing it its about why your bringing it and that means more than a solution because without a formula ( the work ) there would be no outcome .

    4. Wow.
      Your example was great. And I 100% agree with you. They always teach us all this but no one really teaches us what to do with this learning in the world.
      But there was one thing that I wanted o ask you, which is that, " Why do YOU think that they never really teach us what we can do with what they've taught us?"
      Is it because:
      A)They think it is just a waste of time teaching you all this.
      B)They think that you have common sense and make your own decisions about what to do with the knowledge.
      C)A total different reason.
      If so C, what do you think that reason is? And WHY?

    5. Oh ya, and if you think B. Do you agree with what they think.

    6. I think c . To be honest i noticed that our education system values marks over what you really learned and what you could do with it .
      They never really teach us because they think we already know it but theres a difference between knowing and memorizing .

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Something that stood out to me was the quote "fail early, fail often". I'm actually not so fond of this quote. The one who has said this, is referring back to the saying of " You learn from your mistakes". From how I see it, they are trying to say that failing early is good because you will learn from your mistakes before you hit an older age where learning from your mishaps no longer matter. Furthermore the quote says to fail often by the simple reasoning that you will learn from your mistakes. Meaning the more often you fail, the more you will learn from those fails. I'm not against the saying of "You learn from your mistakes" its true; we do learn from our mistakes. However we don't always. You can fail all you want, if you want to. But you can get back up and succeed, if you want to. According to the quote "Fail early, fail often", if that's the case then when are the good parts coming into your life if you'll always be failing? If your busy failing often, when will you have the time to pass? This is why i don't agree with that quote.

    Another thing I found interesting would be Albert Einsteins quote "The formulation of the problem is more important than the solution." I like this quote. The minute I heard it, I was able to relate. This quote simply means that the forming of the problem is more important than the solution. People usually tend to rush their ways to finding a solution. However some people aren't aware that the solution lies in the problem. Knowing how the problem is caused and formed is far more important than it's solution. If I wanted to connect this back with the quote earlier " you learn from your mistakes" i would make the following connection:
    to learn from your mistakes you must know how the problem was formed. If you just figure out a solution, the next time your stuck in a dilemma similar, you will forget and rush to another solution. If You stop and think about how the situation occurred, you will most likely learn from that occurrence and prevent it from occurring. If you don't know the problem but you know the solution, well be prepared because the same thing will end up happening without you even knowing how it happened.

    I also liked where he said "The world doesn't care about what you know, They care about what you can do with what you know." And I completely 100% agree with this. This is very true and it's what's happening in the real world.Think about jobs for a second. You go for an interview to a job... these everyday restaurant jobs don't even have interviews. It's all resume. People aren't even focused on resumes anymore. If you have someone you know at a job, you can always be presented by your friend to the head of the workplace. So what! Your grades are all 85 and your a genius! What good is that going to do for you? They want experience. Why would they hire you if you know what to do, but don't know what to do with the knowledge you have? They want to see what you can do with what you know. Not ALL the things you've memorized at school... :/

    1. Tamana do you think we can do anything to make the kids of our generation great innovators?

    2. I think your misusing the word "often". Often does not mean always. Often could be majority of the time. But your saying "you hit an older age where learning from your mishaps no longer matter" . If that was accurate, then that quote wouldn't be a college's/university's motto. I know I said I did not quite get the gist of the video, but there is some stuff he said that I took in. What that has to do with your argument? I am sure he mentioned something about how people learn from their mistakes rather then learn from their success. So in mines and Tony's case your argument is invalid. Our fail's would kind of be our stepping stones to success rather then a blocking our way to success. <repeat of my reply back to u

    3. i disagree Tamana .
      In my eyes we Fail because we don`t know and we get back up because we do know . Failing teaches us , If we fail early and often reality wont hit us in the face one day for the one time we do fail ! You see we all could fail , we all fall , we all learn . We fail because we don`t know , failing is only a choice when you know , then again i wouldn't call that failure i would call that self abuse almost because you let your self fail when you had everything you needed to succeed .
      Overall we need failure to succeed . You could fail all you want but just because you fail does not mean that one wont get up and try again to succeed .
      If we fail often it will help us succeed.
      faiulre builds our path to success , chances are its failure that brought you to your brightest day .

    4. i think the first quote means, failing early is better cause you will actually have time to fix your mistake. fail often meaning taking the risks to do what ever it takes to be an extraordinary innovator, if your not willing to taking these risks you cant see the real world.
      everybody learns from their mistakes or failures, the quote isn't encouraging to fail it is encouraging to take risks,
      to take opportunities. your not going anywhere if you don't do anything.
      Failure puts a person down, but it shows a person what they need to do, and drives the person forward.

    5. @ Rochelle
      I thin that this quote kind of depends on the type of failure you had, if you had a failure in which you tried your best and did a lot of work in you will learn a lot because if you got it right then you know that you could give the same idea or answer again since you know and are insured that it is right since you have already tried the answer but if you have no tried at all then this type of failure is different because if you did not try at all you have nothing to learn from since you did not even try to check if your answer is right or wrong because you did not even give an answer to check. Also to learn from your failures you must have initiative and try to understand what things you did wrong, only then did you learn from your failures. If you you did the work for the sake of staying out of trouble and didn't even try to study your mistakes after your failure you will not learn anything and that's why this quote won't apply for this situation since you don't learn from past mistakes. instead tony should have talked about how the situation depends

    6. I agree with you Jamin but i also don't .
      The situation varies but heres the thing the education system should teach children what they did wrong instead of giving them detention to do it . The education system should teach children not to give up and learn from mistakes in this way the children will not give up when they fail and it wont impact things as much . Failing is reality it is life , it will help you more than learning a chapter of algebra in life .
      Teachers should also start letting children self discipline them self from a early age because once they reach grade 7-8 and up its BOOM! The teachers will teach you but it is now your choice to learn .

  9. From listening to this topic something I really liked was that how Tony Wagner provides a powerful lecture for developing an innovation-driven economy. He explores what parents, teachers, and employers must do to develop the capacities of young people to become innovators. Also I liked how he provide us with a road map to creating the change makers of tomorrow. There are some key points that I would like to highlight which I found really important and I liked. Firstly that our schools do not need reforming, they are outdated and need reinventing. I totally agree because if we only reform schools and the education system only a few things will be changed here and there, it won’t make a big difference for the kids and to the education system. But if we reinvent the schools and the education system and start from scratch it will make a big impact for the kids and by doing this it will help kids become great innovators.

    Another important point I liked was that what the world cares about is not what you know, but what you can do with what you know, and that is a completely different education problem. I think this will awaken many people who are chasing to learn more and more. I am not saying learning more is a bad thing it’s great because you expand your knowledge. But if you learn and can’t do anything with all that knowledge what’s the point? Many people think the more degrees, the better you will do in life that’s not actually true. Even though knowledge isn’t everything to do great things in life its hold a big role though. Today knowledge is free and the quality of our education these days is amazing. Let’s take for example Khan Academy, it’s a great resource to learn and the quality of education people can receive if they are willing to take the initiative. Along with knowledge there are few other things needed to become successful in life. You need to have the skills and the will to use the knowledge that you have acquired.

    The last point which I thought is the most important is parents and educators need to encourage our children to get out and play, to do research, experimentation. I find this is the most important because without the parents and educators encouragement the children won’t have the self-confidence they need to become great innovators. The three words PLAY, PASSION AND PURPOSE is the base to make kids great innovators. Children need to be observing, connecting, deconstructing, constructing which is what PLAY stands for. Children need to have the PASSION to do what they want to, they need to have the determination and the perseverance to keep on going. Lastly the children need to have a PURPOSE to why they are doing what they have a passion for. By using these three key elements children become extraordinary innovators and who knows, maybe they will be able to change the face of the world.

    1. You say how our schools should reinvent. Do you really think it would be all that effective?? I mean wouldn't a "random change" affect students maybe negatively? For the older students, change may be alright. But consider the younger students.Lets be specific, take first graders for an example. From them learning the "reformed" circular. Then heading to grade 2 all confident that they know the rules and what not. Now that I am thinking of it, it would also waste class time learning the reinvented circular. They could be learning (linking to Rochelle's statement) something and maybe how its actually useful in life.

      But wouldn't more degrees equal to more opportunities? like in the lectures Mr.Cheney would tell us about school and what not, getting jobs and even in to college/university is not as easy as it was once upon a time.Knowledge is not always free by the way, there tuition cost as well.

    2. Gitie don't u think our education system right now has a negative affect on today's youth. Has mr Cheney says today's children are so used to reward and punishment and once they get to high school there isn't anything like punishment and reward which makes the student so behind. Since they are so used to it and once they get to high school dont u think they get thrown to the ground which makes them behind in there studies because there isn't any teacher to tell you to keep doing your work. The system needs to be changed so that children will know from the start that once you get older you need to start to do your work all dependent on yourself not on punishment and reward.

      Gitie I'm not talking about the extra things like tuition. Tuition isn't necessary it's only if you want to. I'm talking about the knowledge we receive from our teachers and peers. That knowledge will help us a lot in our life even though it's free.

    3. i agree with gurvir, since students are so used to the current educational system, a new random change could be effective in a negative or positive way. of course it would take time to adapt to the new ways, just like a animal adapting to a new habitat, making school reinvent is good idea just like gurvir said it may have a negative affect on today's youth. but getie has a point it can affect negatively cause of the adaptabilty.

    4. I agree with both .
      Gurvir is right .Reinventing education would be a good idea but not a random change .
      When children of elementary school gradate today they have no idea whats ahead of them . This is because in elementary school like discipline you and in high school you must discipline yourself .
      This reasoning is a dramatic change for children entering grade 9 just think of it ! One day your being told what to do and the next day you have to tell yourself what to do many of us often don't know how to discipline are self because we are so use to others disciplining our selves .We should teach children to discipline them selves instead of relying on someone else .
      But i also agree with Gitie , the change might not be effective , It could work good or it could effect the students dramatically . In my opinion having a dramatic change would confuse the children . Although education has changed it has changed over time . It took time . If the education system changed today it will confuse the children because what they now 'learned' is use less . Although what the children learn now isn't very effective in the world to me , in the sections of graduating , and getting diploma , or a degree changing the education system would make everything one knows use less . Because although the world cares about what you could do with what you know , the education system cares more about the mark than what you can do with what you know .

    5. How so negative? We graduated. We graduating with a outstanding amount of awards given out. But think about it, without the whole punishment reward concept, do you actually think the little kid would actually do their work and wanting too? I have a kindergartener cousin and he's going into grade 1. I asked him if he was excited, he said no because there's a lot of homework. <true story. But I still know he would do the work because he would rather not get into trouble. If he would be able to get out doing his homework with out any trouble, he'd so take the chance. You see the punishment reward "slot" works. I can't say I say it's the greatest way in the world, but it's most defiantly affective. And if they did change it to your scenario, the whole punishment reward idea would still exist. It wouldn't be totally eliminated by parents. As they get older the idea of doing your homework independently will grow on. I know I started off with that punishment reward idea, but look at me now. I always finish my in class work if not not completed. The punishment reward concept is a stepping stone to independent work.

      Your saying it like tuition is at every school. From grade 8s geography project, I specifically remember Italy it self had no tuition what so ever. Not even for private school. Nor did Dubai. It depends on the Economy.

    6. Rochelle don't you think the kids will slowly get used to it. I agree the kids will be confused because this is totally differnt from what they have been learning has a kid but it will be for their benifit. So they won't have to struggle in the future. I'm not saying to change everything just in oneday and start to teach students in a totally differnt way. Im saying to gradually start making the changes, so it won't be a dramatic change for the kids. If the education system keeps going has it always did it will continue to work has it always did and how students will have a hard time in there years through highschool but they will slowly get used to it. But if we start changing the education system from Punishment and Reward to be responsible for finishing your own work without anyone telling you to do it, I think our students will do much better in life because they have learned to become Self-Dependent and it will only happen if we bring a change to the education system.

    7. @gurvir sanghera
      I agree with you about the need for reinventing schools, but have you considered how?

    8. I think that if students were encouraged to take risks and make mistakes that we can really create innovative thinkers.

    9. Gitie punishment and reward is usually used on animals and if punishment and reward is used on us they are actually treating us like animals. Has Mr Cheney says Punishment and Reward is the lowest form of teachings ms education even though it has great feedback from students. Gitie Learning is a reward itself. However, yes there are times when punishment and reward systems are used to encourage children to try at things that they feel they cannot do, or to improve the general behaviour. Then these systems can take over, in that the children like to work for rewards because their parents are pleased if the children earn rewards and the system is easy for kids to understand. However, this does mean that the fundamental importance of learning and moving towards real goals is frequently lost in the system.

    10. Hitisha we can start of by doing the simplest thing getting rid of punishment and reward. We should start to make students more self dependent so they won't actually be forced to do their work. Gradually students will realize that they need to do the work to succeed and that they need to take the initiative to do so. Also by getting rid of punishment and reward students will realize that their parents and teachers will not always be there to tell you to do your work. I think getting rid of punishment and reward is probably the best way to awaken students that has you get older you have to take the right decisions yourself because there will be times where you are all alone.

    11. @Gurvir . The education system does teach that now that i think about it just take Mr.cheney , and Mrs. Ang for an example teach the students but they make it are choice to learn !
      The education system should only change at a certain point I say around 5-6th grade , this way the children are use to punishment and reward and are aware of what will happen

      After grade 5 I would say that the teachers should start to provide self displine and teach it to the students . This way the students know both sides , they are aware of punishments by teachers and aware of the punishments of life for if they decide to slack they are hurting their future .

      Learning both is a very good thing ! It gets you in the habit of doing your work but also doing it because it will help you . Rather than being slapped in the face in high school . The education system should not change completely but like everything in life there is always something to improve it .

    12. Gurvir, Okay I see where your going with wanting a change.You get what I mean when I say the "punishment & reward" "gig" should come to play right? It should stop and does stop. Mr.Cheney doesn't use it. It is going to discontinuation at one point of your life. You can't use that as a excuse. Its effective , maybe not is the format it to but you said it works at times. You mention that the importance of knowledge gets lost in that process. It could be true for the students who are truly just disengaged. But it could be false. You think I stay up at 10:46 PM for a star wars sticker? (May be a part of it :p) No my friend, I actually want a mini prep for high school. I never came to a summer school program to a school i'm leaving for no reason. You could make the argument that Mr.Cheney does not and hopefully never will use that punishment reward scenario. But that is not my point. I grew up with the punishment reward idea, but yet i'm still brutally beating you in this debate. Look at your self for an example. You probably grew up with "treatment", but yet you still debate with me after school. So really? Does the formats of how we learn really need to change?

    13. Gitie is right gurvir .
      Dedication is what we have right now .
      punishment and reward is taught but if it is then how come we are blogging at 11:03pm ? . If teachers don't teach discipline , your parents can , your sports team can , or you can . At one point we should all realize our decision in education rather its good or bad affect us and only us.

    14. We don't get the dedication to do the work we do because of punishment and reward we get it because we are interested in this topic and this interest drives us still blog till 11:17pm. Gitie I understand that we have been raised with punishment and reward and we are so used to doing our work dependent on it but let's face it punishment and reward won't be with us in highschool that's when we are all alone and there isn't going to be anything like "punishment and reward" to help you do your homework. Mr Cheney and ms Ang don't use punishment and reward because they know it holds no meaning and it's useless. What's the point of teaching something from the start that once they get used to it they have to change it because the elementary style learning and high school learning is totally different? That means all that punishment and reward will hold no meaning once you get older. Mr Cheney and ms Ang teach us without punishment and reward because they want to show us and make us realize the true feeling of being in a regular class. In elementary classes teachers care about if you pass and they do there best to help you, in high school it's totally different. That's why I think we should gradually start to change little by little of the education system so it won't make a big impact on the youth and it will help them throughout there journey of education. And I'm pretty sure that you are not beating me in this debate.

  10. Something that Tony Wagner spoke about that caught my attention was one of the motto's he spoke about given from a College/University. "Fail Early, Fail Often". I don't know if this would really be considered a "theme" but it most defiantly seized to catch my attention. He also mentioned how we learn from our mistakes rather then success. Don't get me wrong, I've always heard that "Learn from your mistakes" saying, but that quote... That quote just stood out. The fact that is a motto is really exceptional. It takes education to a whole new level. It kinda just tells you that its alright to fail. You learn from it. I personally 100% agree and adore this quote.
    Fail Early, Fail Often.

    Albert Einstein also stated a clever quote. "The Formulation of the problem is more important then the solution"To be honest the gist of this video hasn't came really clear to me. So I guess you could say I got "attached" to what I an understand or at least get something out of. Which I guess are the quotes and what not. But yes let me continue, there is the Fail Early, Fail Often quote. 100% Absolutely love that! Then there is the Albert Einstein quote. I cannot really say I 100% love this quote like I did for Tony's quote. First thing first, I had to google what formulation meant. But once I did that, I realized that the quotes meaning is spot on! The point he is exceeding to explain is that we should have a tip top understanding of the problem. Rather then kind of rush through the problem and hustle to get a answer.I could relate this quote to the math tips. Specifically to the grade 7s I #believe which won the phenomenal Star War's sticker(s). Their tip was to get a deep understanding *formulation* of the math questions or any question really. The tip its self was to read and re-read the "trivia" until you get "proper" understanding. But lets just say, if that tip isn't valid then neither is Albert's quote.

    Full 1 piece response^^

    1. Gitie don't you think it isn't always good to fail. Like if you fail once in a while its okay but if you take failing for granted dont you think thats taking it over the limits. Tony is just saying if you fail its okay but its not actually okay it willl effect the child's education. If any other student watches this video and they fail in a test or exam they wont feel bad and they won't try to improve because they thinking I failed and i learned something. Who knows maybe children will start to purposely start to fail because they think that it will help them. Children will probably stop trying in school because they dont have anymore concern for failing anymore. I think Tony is sending a bad message to the audience even though that's not is goal.

    2. In the real world making mistakes is bad and their aren't always ways to fix them. So I disagree with the quote.
      Making mistakes is good because you will learn from them, :p give me a break
      R u serious okay I agree that sometimes making mistakes are okay because you won't repeat them but then again making mistakes is also bad and comes with a price,

      Example...... Some breaks a laptop they won't do it again but the price is that now there is a broken laptop that needs money to be fixed with!

    3. I disagree Gurvir .
      I don't think Tony is saying we should fail i think hes stating its okay to fail . We learn from our fails and its okay to fail often.
      Gurvir you are right Failing could impact a student in a negative way but failing is reality . When we fail we notice reality the most . and failing often is no bad thing because we then are learning reality more .
      Lets say a 9 year old walks into an audition room for a commercial , she then auditions the script given unfortunately the judges say no . shes devastated but NEWS FLASH its reality . she really wants to be a actress so she goes to other auditions but they keep saying no .One day she gets the audition and is on tv!
      If you fail often you learn often yes the child might stop trying but it depend on how much you want to succeed . This is why we should teach children not too give up rather than teaching them that if you want something bad enough and work hard enough for it you will get it . Because that line is not true sometimes you are going to fail no matter how hard you work and that is reality .But if you fail often you learn and if we are taught to never give up that would effect us -

    4. The only failing I think children will purposely attempt is for jokes. If you fail an exam it isn't the end the world. There's retakes for a reason my friend. But I like the exam example. If you fail. And actually motivated, you will take the retest, and try exceptionally harder to succeed. Tony actually just mentioned the quote. A quote a college/university in which names I forgot, uses. Plus you won't always get something 101% right on your first try. You watched the video. Do you think failing will "take over your life". Because that is what your trying to say as I quote from you response "if any other student watches the video and they fail a exam they won't feel bad and they won't try to improve because they r thinking I failed and I learned something. Finish this later.

    5. Gitie let's face it there isn't always retakes in life. There isn't always a second chance and that's why you should give your best in the first chance you have and not take it has some easy think. I'm not saying it's bad to fail it's okay to fail sometimes but if you think you always fail and you learn something that's not always true. I'm not saying you will get it in your first you do need keep trying but you have to keep trying so you won't fail. Failing sometimes is important because you know that you aren't always going to be right. But failing shouldn't become a habit in thinking that you will learn something.

    6. Gitie - I disagree with your thinking of the quote, but not 100%. I agree that making mistakes is okay at first, but later on you have to fix your mistake. I also agree with the fact that we learn from our mistakes, but the way the quote states it sounds like its okay to fail which will most likely influence people like children. Overall I don't agree with the quote because it would influence children in a bad way. So.... I wouldn't recommend it as a motto, and I wouldn't encourage it.

      Gurvir, Mannat, Rochelle - I agree with your reasoning's. The quote typically means/says 'its okay to fail'. If this is heard by children, especially the ones who aren't determined to succeed, and the ones that don't look forward to, or don't enjoy school, they will most likely start slaking off immediately. If they think that's its okay to fail, then they will think "whats wrong with failing". They will then think that its fine to fail, so that will lead to them thinking "whats the point of trying to pass or succeed, when we can fail and no harm will be done to us". If that's whats going to end up in their mind, then they will not succeed nor improve in life.
      In conclusion I do NOT RECOMMEND OR ENCOURAGE this quote.

    7. Gurvir, like Tamana I think your mis-using the word "often". Though it means frequently, it does not mean always. The quote really saying "fail all the time". I can say the "often" part is a little to sketchy. But if it really was as negitive as you make it seem, explain why'd it would be used as a motto? I mean it wouldn't make sense if their motto was encouraging non-sense .. would it? Maybe not "retakes" or to generalize it, 2nd chances. But that really doesn't stop you from redeeming your self. Also I think you mis-interpenetrated by my 2nd chance example. That was a more direct example. If you go beyond the point of the quote. It really is not all 2nd chances, but it also is like saving/ redeeming yourself.

      Abina, I think you failed to get a minor fact. See what I did there lol before I get into my debate "zone" with you, do you really think children would actually get a hand of this quote? If your referring to yourself, your not a child. If anything your a pre-teen.#justsayin But would you encourage this quote for college/university students?

    8. Sorry if I sound a little harsh.. <Abina

    9. Gitie maybe Tony is trying to state something but the way the audience hears is could be differnt. Everyone has differnt perspectives to understanding things and maybe the way Tony understands is completely differnt than the way the audience thinks it. Maybe Tony made that his motto because the way he thinks of that quote is in a positive way but maybe people could get carried away with it. Also it doesn't necessarily mean whatever Tony says has to be true, that's his train of thought and it doesn't mean we actually have to follow it.

    10. Gurvir no one said you do have to follow it . It is a quote and its how he sees it and you are 100% correct there but you could find a lesson out of it and often isn't always . Failing is reality and in reality we fail more than once .

      @abina children may be affected in negative ways but this isnt dora the explorer in life swiper is going to take something fromy ou and that is reality . We should be teaching the children of the day reality rather than protecting them from the real world . Because we fail in the real world and doing is the only effective way of learning in my eyes .
      Anyone could pass a test but doing is learning because if you could do it you learned it . The quote is correct . We need to stop protecting children from failure ! We should teach them that failure is apart of life . Instead of protecting them because one day there going to fail and there not going to know what to do .

    11. Gurvir, but tell me the odds of someone actually getting carried away with it. What if some people just need loads of fails to actually help this "hit reality"?

  11. something that stood out to me was that half of the collage graduates are Unemployed or Underemployed and one third of them are just sitting at home.I honestly didn't get the theme of this video but i disagree with this quote Tony Wagner Knowledge today is a commodity meaning goods or products , knowledge is free like air and water" i disagree with this beacuse if this was true everyone today would be educated but that not true, i think knowledge come with a price.Knowledge now a days is not free you have to work hard for it.
    This quote that Tony said was i thought was interesting "fail early, fail often" kind of like people learn from there mistakes so what i get from this is that failing is good for you and the more you fail the the stronger you build back up and if you fail you work harder and succeed if you want.So if you fail early you build back up you work harder so then you dot fail in high school or when you get older.So i kind of agree and kind of disagree.

    1. Were there any other quotes that tony Wagner said in the video that interested you?

    2. I would like to add on to your disagreement to the first quote. Air is free but the water is not free, in Canada and many other countries people pay for water. That's why I disagree with that quote too?
      I liked the way how you said "in order to get knowledge you have to pay for it, knowledge isn't free"
      The people who are educated today in this world. They paid millions of dollars to come educated person.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. i also said knowledge comes with a price and Tony wagner was relating the quote "Knowledge is free like air and water" he wasn't talking about the world issues.

    5. What do you think the reason is for 1 third of the graduates to be unemployed?
      And you said knowledge is not free, and I agree with it, but does the price always has to be money or hard work, or can it be something else?

    6. maybe there aren't enough jobs to provide them with or they might not have the skills or proper needs for what they are applying for and some of then are just lazy! That's what i think.

    7. Well if they had a chance to actually build up those skills, won't you think they actually will, in order to progress in life. And for the part where there aren't jobs to provide, well there is always work to do, it depends on if you want to do it!

  12. I understand that student are not taking risks because they don’t understand that you learn from your mistakes and because the students are pressurized by thinking of if the risk that they took is not successful and it will affect their academic level, but the thing that they don’t understand is that it’s better to take a risk now rather than taking a risk when there’s no time or no option to take a risk. Pertaining to risks, risks effect both mentally and physically. It’s better to take a risk rather than skipping the question, because if you do take a risk there still is a chance of you getting the outcome right or partly right but if you just skipped the question then there is no chance of you getting the outcome correct.
    I strongly disagree with the quote that tony Wagner said “fail early, fail often” because why fail, I understand that he is pertaining to risks but why fail, I somewhere feel like he’s discouraging students.
    I’m not sure but I think the theme of the video is that students should take risks.

    1. Would you agree that this video has more than one risk? If yes what do you think that other ones are?

    2. Did you find any quote for any other significant point that caught you attention?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


  14. As Tony Wagner mentioned in the video that “parents are like teacher and teachers are like your parents”. I agree with that statement because parents start guiding their children when they are born to the age of twenty something, until the child becomes something or gets married. When their children starts going to the school, I think that’s the time for parent to take their hand of their children for few hours. In those few hours the teacher becomes the guide of the children. Teacher and parent want the best for their child. Maybe that’s why teachers are like your parents?
    Teachers and parents alike want a child to be successful. They feel they have done something right when the child does well and they feel they have done everything wrong if the child does poorly. Failures help children succeed later and learn from mistakes. The lessons learned should be pointed out to the child. Parents and teachers stand up for their children and advocate for a child's rights.

    Another point that Tony Wagner declared was quite of interesting to me. “The world no longer cares about what you know but the world cares about what you can do with what you know” I think that’s true and something that makes sense to me. If you know something and you can’t share or show the thing to your friend then your friend will think that you don’t know. Another example “if your teacher is explaining you a problem in math and then when your teacher finishes explaining the problem. The teacher asks you and you don’t replay back, teacher will think you don’t know. If you replay back the teacher will know that you understood what she/he explained to you.
    There was a quote “The world of education is all about taking ricks, making mistakes and learning from them” with this quote I kind of agree and at the same time I don’t so, therefore I am in the middle. Not taking risk is the greatest risks of all, and not taking risk worth taking is a total loss. Imagine being in the race and you know that you think that you can’t run. You look around yourself and you see really fast runners. You are taking a big risk there because you know that almost everyone is better than you. The some other person who’s in that race with you know that they are better runner then you. So, the person thinks that they don’t even have to run to beat you. When they reach the midpoint of race they fall on the ground. Therefore you will win because of you took risk. It’s the same thing with education. People how take risk they do better than the people who don’t take risk. If you took risk and didn't do better than the person how didn't take risk, you will learn from your mistake that you made.

    1. what would you say would be the gist or the theme of this because i really didnt get it?

    2. I agree with your thoughts. But were there any other facts that stood out to you from the video?
      What are your thoughts about the quote "knowledge is free"? Do you agree with it?Disagree?Why?

  15. The most interesting theme from the video which I found was "knowledge is free". Most people disagree with this because the first thing that comes to their mind, are the fees of school, such as the money which is given to universities. But I personally agree with this saying. I don't agree with it 100%, but I mostly do. Knowledge does not always have to come from school and education. Knowledge CAN be known from only common knowledge, along with knowledge from experiences. Some people in this world are not educated in schools, but yet they have knowledge, and are just like the rest of us. So really, knowledge is free, but if you need someone to assist you through it, then it is not. This saying/quote stood out to me as an interesting fact, especially because it can be seen from 2 totally different views/perspectives.

    1. knowledge is free wouldn't always mean money is to be needed, instead I would say it means hard work. I agree it can be seen with different perspectives, but even in every perspective knowledge won't be free, now it doesn't matter if it's common knowledge or knowledge from experiences.

    2. That's true. I agree with your point. I didn't think of it that way. Its that most people think of and refer to the "free" part as money, so i didn't realize it from this view. Thanks for the reply! I understand it better now.

    3. I agree with shrusti, knowledge in the true sense is free, but education as in the diplomas and degrees is not. You cannot put a price on knowledge, just like you cannot put a price on air, because knowledge can come from anywhere now a days (thanks to technology). Knowledge is free, but education in the true sense of the word as in school, diplomas degrees is not.

    4. I agree with your point as well htisha. But do you think its fair that for a diploma so much money is needed? what I am saying is that a diploma, is just like a "name" to show that you have knowledge or that you have passed in anything. A diploma is pretty much "proof". Do you think there should be a price on it?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This video was great, compacted with a vast amount of knowledge, well that leads to my next point. A very interesting point depicted in this presentation was, "the world doesn't care about how much knowledge you know, but it cares about how you use it in the world. Tony speaks great words, in those 14 min he had shown so much wisdom that he experienced, he was passing it on to us as a well fitted gift, a gift for a new era on successful innovators, which would be us. he shows the potential and capability of these future innovators. his topic PLAY, PURPOSE, PASSION. playing, actually taking risks we have learned from our mistakes, but our parents are expecting us not to make mistakes, but lets face reality, with out taking the risk and making the mistake you cant be successful. purpose the reason you want to be what you want to be, and this is all run by passion. pure blood and sweet determination. if your able to have these three elements, then your well on you way.

    well i think there are three steps to learning anything, well that how i interpret it at least. observation, interpretation, application. well to use it in a school analigy, for example what ever is taught in school needs to observed, every possible fact. then comes interpretation, the moral or the thesis of the piece of wisdom, this part uses lots of time, to take every fact that you observed, and create a embellishing moral. Then comes the application, taking the moral that you interpreted and applying it to the real world.

    i totally agree knowing things is completely useless, their morals were made to be used in the world. so that we could learn from them. if there just known, and you even know how to apply it, that just ludicrous. the economy is getting unstable and so is the planet, but employers look at how all the things you were taught in school are being applied to your life. this piece of advice is what makes a person successful.

    there will be loads of wisdom passed down by experienced by people, they don't give it so you can keep it in your mind, but so that you use it in the same situation they were in. as people say old people are full of wisdom, it is because they have experienced this. for a successful person or extraordinary innovator you need the three P's PLAY, PURPOSE AND PASSION!

  19. The thought that stood out the most to me was that the world cares about not what you know but what you could do with what you know.The reason it stood out to me was that the world cares About what u do with your knowledge not how much knowledge u really have.The other thought that stood out to me was how steve jobs,bill gates,mark zanderberg they all were drop outs and look where they are now making stacks heaps loads of money.

    1. What were some other quotes that stood out to you or were interesting to you, and what do you think is the main theme of this video?

    2. So considering that many successful people such as Steve jobs and bill gates were drop outs, do you think that it is mandatory for other people to go to college or university and have an education, to be as successful as them?

    3. I agree with you but doesn't apart of you say that they are one of the reasons that the world doesn't care about what you know but what you do with it? I mean like our lifes are getting more simple with every invention that they brought but in a way it is also ruining our lifes because now a days everyone is on a device on a social media flooding our brains with useless entertainment so my question is was it better back in the 1980s/1990s or now? in regards to everything he brought up in this video

  20. In this video Tony Wagner said many things that I found to be interesting. Though, there is this one thing that he said, that took all of my attention. Even though I jotted down other things too, this was something which I still happened to remember. And it is also something that I believe is very true in this society nowadays. He had said that," WHAT THE WORLD CARES ABOUT IS NOT WHAT YOU KNOW. IT'S WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH WHAT YOU KNOW." And I 100% agree with this. But it might make you feel a bit weird because I am relating this with a total different thing but it is true. This year when we had Junior Achievements. We learned a lot of things. And we also had many activities. In one of those activities we had to take job interviews of a each person on our tables. And while someone else's interview was going on, I read the interview sheet from which we had to ask questions. And all those questions were either about: Why you want this job? How will you talk
    to the clients/customers? How will you help to bring more customers in? etc. And they MIGHT even ask for your certificates and diploma. But the main point is that they never really ask, " How qualified are you for this job?" Or in simple words, " How much knowledge and experience do you have for this job?" And this is maybe the biggest reason I think that what Tony had said is true.

    1. Since the quotes means care about what you could do with what you know, do you think this quotes has effected people who may have not agreed with it?

    2. I agree with you dhavani but what is your opinion on the quote...."Fail Early, Fail Often"

    3. I 100% agree with your thought. It is true that the world only cares about what YOU CAN DO with what you know. But why do you think the world thinks this way?
      I think that everyone in this world thinks this way because every human in this world is here to help their/our community/society. So no one would care if you have very good knowledge of something but just sit there in a corner doing nothing. If you were to say for example in a job interview “I have very good knowledge with ________" their reply would be “well that's great. But that doesn't matter to me. Tell me what you are capable of with your knowledge of that."
      Overall it doesn't matter or make a difference if you have knowledge of something and do nothing with your knowledge. That won’t make a difference. There will only be a change when you do something with your knowledge. Well that's why I think people think this. What do you think? Do you have the same reasoning, or something different?

    4. I agree with what you have to say but in your example you mentioned that the interview sheet did not ask questions like " How qualified are you for this job?" Or " How much knowledge and experience do you have for this job?" but how do you think that answering these questions will show what you can do with what you know?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. There were many great points that personally caught my attention, but the quote "you learn from your mistakes more than you learn from your success. I agree to this quote,. It's true if you don't make mistakes how would you have goals that you can accomplish, how would you know your strengths and weaknesses. Learning from your success can help you at times but learning from your mistakes would show you your weakness and when you try to accomplish a goal you would accomplish it knowing the fact that you wont make the same mistake again. We all make mistakes in our daily life, but we all do learn from each and every single mistake.
    Their are many challenges in education rather it comes to college or university you would always fail at some point and then rise up again. If you don't get accepted to a job interview you tend to know what mistake you made and go for more open opportunities of jobs you can be accepted to. when you fail to make a step forward there is always another chance to do it again.

    1. I 100% agree with your thinking Harpreet. It is true that you can have goals if you don't do something perfect or if you make mistakes doing it.
      But which do you think " learning from success" or "learning from mistakes" will make a person more successful? Out of the 2 theories, which do you think will lead someone to being the most successful.

  23. Under the context of education, the point that I found interesting was how Tony Wagner mentioned; the fault is not of the schools - they do not need reforming - it is the system that needs reinventing. I'm not sure if I can agree with this point or not because all the system gives to the schools are the syllabus and a few guidelines of how they can or cannot teach. What Tony said that the system should do is create innovators but that is still possible only by the efforts of the school to do without violating the rules of the system - take our class for example. 8B of Beaumonde never did anything that went against what the system tells the schools and if that happened, it never hurt anyone and we understood what was done should not happen again. Whatever we learned, along with that we were taught about the world, we were taught how our work will help us in the future. We were never given worksheets; we were given group work, we were given major projects and we completed them without much help or supervision. Our school took initiative and our class did create innovators without having the education system changed. With that said, I do not agree with what Tony Wagner pointed out because I believe that the system does not need to change if the schools just make their effort.

  24. In my opinion the most interesting thing Tony Wagner stated was in the beginning when he said "Knowledge is a commodity, no one cares how much you know it's what you can do with what you know. That's what they want to see". When I heard that I frankly couldn't agree more, and I think that could also be used as a motivation. The point I think he was trying to prove with that line was that in our generation anyone could have the knowledge by simply holding a home button and asking a question and get an immediate answer but it wasn't always like that. I think he is trying to highlight the past because he talks about how the education system needs fixing and how economy is now really people spending money they don't have on things they may not need, and he is right unfortunately. Back in the 1970s, 1980s they didn't have all the advanced technology we have today, back then what you knew actually mattered, back then Innovation was so much more common because today parents stop their children from making the same mistakes they did and trying to make them perfect with nothing on there record but then how are they going to learn? Innovation as far as I know is about taking risks, making mistakes and learning from them and in this generation you really got to do that for yourself. I don't think anyone knew what Innovation was until this video but I'll bet that back then they had that idea. Tony said that the education system needs reinventing and I agree 100% with that because it is very outdated.
