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Mr. Cheney

Monday, July 7, 2014

Holes Part 1


The motto of Camp Green Lake is that is you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole everyday for 18 months he will eventually become a good boy

Does physical labour build character and make you a better person?  Use evidence from the real world to defend your position and then engage in dialogue with two other students to restate and attempt to sway others to share your opinion.

Recall that it is important to respond to everyone that responds to your response and actively seek out two students with opposing views to engage in dialogue

"You thirsty?"

"Yes Mr. Sir"

"Well, get use to it"


  1. Well in my opinion I believe that making children do physical labour will go both ways, it can either make them into good children, witch is equally likely to the other possibility/outcome witch would make them even worse. I believe this because when you make children do work, they, because of human nature will be lazy and not do not want to do this but of course, since this is camp "green lake" they are required to do it anyway, regardless if they want to do this or not. they would start to accumulate feelings of hatred of against the camp staff for making them do all this work. Or they would start to realize that it was they themselves that got them into this mess and the only person they should blame is themselves and them alone. so on the matter of the question "Does physical labour build character and make you a better person?" I am quite neutral on the matter, since theoretically, there are two outcomes, it is equally likely for each to happen. also, I believe it is wrong to make children do physical labour as way for correction. Juvenile correction centres are the proper way to do. solitary confinement with a lot of time to think.

    ^_^ Ivan

    1. In my opinion physical labour wont turn a child into a bad child but will instead turn a child into a good child. You mentioned that doing physical labour could make you go both ways so how can physical labour turn a child into a bad child?

    2. well Jamin, you have a point there but that is not necessarily what I meant, as I said, there anger and possibly hatred would accumulate against the staff for making them do it ( dig holes ) and that hatred would be displayed and come out in there choices and attitude, mostly to the people around them on a regular basis. this does not make them a bad child if they already are but it just means that would get...worse than they currently are.

    3. Why don't you think children should do physical labour? Wouldn't it be better for them to do physical labour rather than being locked in a room to think? I mean yes they are both bad but I think the child wouldn't enjoy digging holes but would rather do that than be in a room all day going crazy of boredom.

    4. Physical labour can turn a child into a bad child because they may not realize that they are the ones that caught themselves into this mess. And since they definitely don't want to do the labour, they would just think that it is unfair that they have to do it and so they will start hating the person who is in charge of making them do the labour. They may not see this situation from the "other side of the coin" which is from another view/perspective

    5. But look if they started to accumulate their hatred against the staff and attack the staff wouldn't the person get in more trouble because they are not allowed to attack others since that is called abuse and they may have to suffer the consequences for a longer period of time. Since they know they are not allowed to attack others they will not hit others and those bad habits would not be created and they will not become worse than they currently are and most likely become even better than they were due to may reasons.

    6. also i think their attitude will change over time would it not

    7. physical labour for children shouldn't happen instead chores and stuff like at home is more of a better choice oh and lets not forget about thee parents talking it over with their kids

    8. fine guys, so how about this, you...
      A) dig a hole a day for a year and a half 5x5 (about 600 holes)
      B) stay in a room for 2 years alone, (730 days)

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. None of the 2 options are going to help some one change

  2. I think that physical labour builds character because if you have done a crime and are forced to do very hard physical labour you may most likely stop doing crimes in the future. The reason I think this is because in the real world many people will understand that if you ever do a crime again then you will have to suffer the consequences and once you have experienced how hard labour work is, you will most likely stop doing crime because you know you will have to do that hard work again.

    Doing physical labour as a punishment also helps build character because usually people are very lazy and do not want to do any work, when you are doing physical labour, it is very tiring and will waste a lot of your energy. Doing a lot of hard physical work over a long period of time will most likely stop you from being lazy and will help you become more hard working and strong.

    1. well do you think this is the only way to do it properly, do you believe that two years in solitary confinement at a juvenile correction centre would have the same affect?

    2. I don't think that 2 years at a juvenile correction centre would have the same affect because when you do physical work you are actually doing hard work and changing you r habits of being lazy since you are working so hard for a long period of time, although when you are in jail all you do is sit down which does not really change your habits of being lazy but makes you realize that you will have to suffer consequences if you commit a crime again. Therefore going to a juvenile correction centre will just help you remember to not commit crimes in the future but wont actually change your habits of being lazy

    3. But if you make a child do physical labour for 18 months, and by luck they get a good character, after returning to his/ her surrounding where he or she learned these things( crimes) , wouldn't the child get effected?

    4. But the thing is, this gives you time to think about your previous decisions because time alone, there is no one to blame for what you did but yourself. also, in camp green lake, all the campers can talk with each other, telling there story, the story most likely going to get mixed up and then the persons saying it thinks that is was some other persons fault and not there's.

    5. I understand but you will not get all affects which you get by doing physical labour because physical labour is tiring which will make you less lazy, but in the juvenile correction centre you understand your past mistakes but you will stay as lazy as you were before.

    6. I don't believe that you can change a persons way of thinking by making them do hard work, it will in some way give them a sense of appreciation, but it will take much more than doing physical labour to change a persons way of thinking and changing them into a new person

    7. But a person would only do crimes if they get encouraged by others. As an example if you really hate talking about Shows, while your friends love to, it would encourage you to watch it, as you want to be a part of their friend circle, rather than being left out!

    8. @jamin ok if you are tired wont that make more lazy then you were before. if you think about if you do a lot of work wouldn't you just want to just sit down and do nothing. i honestly do not get what you are trying to explain .

    9. yes if a person is encouraged and has a bad surrounding can effect many things in their life. Their are some people in this world that also go through many different and harsh situations where they are depressed and tend to start doing crimes. robbery and all sorts of negative things that would allow them to act and behave bad as a person

    10. @Devesh
      But you are forced to do physical labour and you wont sit down and do nothing since you know there are consequences if you dont do your work

    11. @jamin
      yes but once he/she is finished with this work wont he/she would be tired and lazy

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. wait a second Jamin, how does being lazy have to do anything? like really? how does being lazy have to do with building character?

    14. Since you work so hard and are used to working so hard you will not be lazy anymore if you use to be and instead will become more energetic.

    15. this is about character build up, not how lazy the child is, i still dont see your point

  3. Physical labour can build character if the person in labour buys into that idea but if they don't believe in it then they won't. The idea of physical labour to build character I learned from Mr Cheney is used in military, they break you down and then build you back up most likely a better person. I think what physical labour does is it makes you really self evaluate and makes you reflect on past and realize what you've done and what you should be grateful for and how you should change yourself for the better. The thing about physical labour is it can go both ways, you can either learn from your mistakes and make a good change for yourself or you could become worse and see the digging wholes as a useless punishment and plan an escape and be a rebel. So I believe digging wholes can make you a better person, a stronger person mentally and physically but there is always going to be people who don't want to buy what you sell.

    1. I agree with your idea from both views, but which one do you think is most likely to happen? Do you think most people would try to escape, or do you think that they will continue to dig holes and learn that their actions have consequences?

    2. Do you think that in the book holes people will plan an escape and become a rebel? Remember what Mr.Sir told Stanley about trying to escape. Mr.Sir had told Stanley if he wanted to escape he could and there was no security although there was no food or water for a thousand miles. Do you still think people will try to escape and become rebels in this situation?

    3. but lets not forget that keeping someone is such a harsh and bad environment can also make them more angry or messed up which will cause more problems. instead talking it over and giving a small punishment will have a bigger impact

    4. Abina it really depends on the person and how their perspective is, some children will go crazy and even more rebellious and some will find that inner peace and be better it's just the matter of character. Jamin yes I do predict that someone is going to plan as escape but they'll realize when they escape that there isn't any food or water anywhere near by so they'll turn back and be punished.

    5. i agree with Mannat, the land itself with such harsh heat could drive a man crazy, and then these people working outside digging holes can go crazy especially since they re all but mere boys. This wouuld mke them grow with anger and hatred

  4. I think physical labour does build character. A great connection of this to the story holes is the digging of 5x5 holes. I think that digging holes 5x5 will make a person build character because digging holes of that size, in those conditions is not a fun thing to do. And so you would hate digging holes. Then you would never want to dig holes again, and so you would (learn to) be good since you know that doing something bad can lead to you digging holes, or to do something similar to that. So overall if you dig holes you would later on know not to do something bad, so slowly you will build character (to become a better and different person).

    But overall I would only say that physical labour builds character if the labour is something hard, if it is done in harsh conditions, and if the labour is something that people or the person does not want to do.

    1. " I think that digging holes 5x5 will make a person build character because digging holes of that size, in those conditions is not a fun thing to do. And so you would hate digging holes."
      If the person is hating to do so, wouldn't that as well bring hate in them?
      Since HATE is a strong word!

    2. I disagree with you, in my perspective, just because a person doesn't commit the crime they once committed doesn't mean that they have built character. They are just not making the same mistake again because they don't want to be punished again, not because they think it is the wrong thing to do. Building character means you don't do that same thing again because you know it's the wrong thing to do. Physical labour will not change your way of thinking or build character.

    3. @srushti they wouldn't necessarily hate but they would find it a struggle so they wouldn't want to come back and repeat the same procedure which would make them good and not want to come back

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Srushti - Yes it is true that they may turn into worse of a person, but they can also turn into a good person, by realizing that what they have done is wrong. They wouldn't want to go through their consequences again and so they would turn into a better person.

    6. Hitisha - But by changing yourself by not doing those bad actions, you are automatically changing into a good person, building character.

    7. Harpreet - I agree with your point. That was what I was trying to say. Thanks for the reply! :)
      But Harpreet do you agree with the fact that digging holes could possibly make the person worse? Why? Why not?

    8. @abina no prob and I don't think digging holes can make a person bad well it depends actually some people do take it the negative.Some take it as a struggle and some take it as a lesson depends on everyone's perspective and who your dealing with.

    9. @abina I get what you are saying but, just because a person does not do the same thing again doent mean that thier thinking has changed

    10. Thats a well thought out reply
      Thanks for your thoughts :)

    11. @hitisha you may never know everyone has a different way of thinking some can change and some can not it's all depending on the situation

    12. Hitisha - it could but it depends on what environment the person is in and what type of person they are. That all leads to what thoughts go inside of their head.

  5. no!!!!! that's a false statement. the only thing that physical labour would help you in is make you better in physical labour! you can't make someone into a better person by making them do stuff like dig holes or anything that is irrelevant.
    here's an example: lets take the holes as one. some has committed a murder or stolen something making them dig holes will NOT make them in to better people. something more useful would be to change their thinking, point of view and their actions so they wouldn't do the same thing again.
    if someone has hurt someone making them dig holes will not fix them instead there is a higher chance of them doing it more often because they have been kept in such a bad environment for so long they would want to take out their anger out on others even more.
    in the real world there is something called self help group. this is where people will come together and take to each other how they have made a right choice, and how they feel now. instead of making them do labour work concealers will play activities, and talk it over with the people who need help. this is an amazing way that people can become into better people.

    1. Mannat wouldn't the digging holes give them time to self evaluate and make them think what they have done was wrong? I say that because in the boiling hot sun digging a hole your either going to think about escape and how useless that will turn out or you will think what you did to get where you are and most likely ask yourself, was it worth it? Don't you think that it can potentially build some good morals and values as you have loads of time to think?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. but working in a horrible condition such as that would make them even more mad and angry!!!!! and talking about time you could talk to the people every day and ask them about their feels.

    4. But if you have watched the movie, the children digging the holes and close to each other and they usually have a constant dialogue with each other, so i am pretty sure that no one would be self evaluate themselves, well no one except Zero. But I do agree with you when you say " was it worth it" because you know what,doing one thing and then getting stuck in green lake... yea not worth it

    5. abina you can always make a different punishment, the question was about making holes in the boiling hot sun with such less water etc.

    6. I agree with mannat, you cannot change a persons point of view or their way of thinking by making them work. Yes, making them do physical labour will make them think twice before doing anything wrong, simply because they don't want to get punished again, not because they think it is the wrong thing to do. This will control the actions they take but this will, in any possible way not build character. For example, when a criminal is released from jail, he or she will not commit the crime they once did, but they will not make that mistake, not because they think it is the wrong thing to do, but because they don't want to get punished

    7. Mannat - I agree with what you think. Yes I too agree that they could have changed the punishment, but since that's what happened in the book, I referred to that

    8. I also agree there are many other punishments out there but we are most likely focusing on this because as what abina said it refers back to the book which makes more sense

    9. DeAndre, I agree with your overall idea but not about digging holes. They wouldn't learn anything by digging holes. It is totally irrelevant like Mannat said. If there was a punishment to be given, it should be related to the crime so you LEARN NOT ACT BUT YOU LEARN wrong from right.

  6. I honestly think it helps build character. physical labour is like punishment and punishment most of the time shows us what not to do. so it is like learning from your mistakes but enforcing it.even if its a little extreme its still for the better. and even if you disagree it still happens in real life, rehab, prison, behaviour camps, and its for the better. its also the same thing being told not to do it and if you follow/listen to the rules it builds your character. another example would be you were told not to get into a fight and you do you will get punished and never do it again.

    1. do you think that making holes 5 by 5 is a good punishment or something else would also work. and what's your opinion on talking it over.

    2. devesh don't you think if you make the kid do physical labour and make them suffer it could probably break the kids self esteem?

  7. I think that physical labour can build character sometimes but not always. Torturing a child can make them a good person but, it as well gets a new thought inside them that might be negative, thinking all they get is tortured. In this situation of the book Stanley shouldn't have been in the green lake for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But the kids who were there to do crimes, they certainly should get punished but just not in this way. They shall rather be sent to jail, letting the officers handle the situation. Just give it a thought for a moment, why would a child that hasn't seen the true world yet, start to do crimes? This would only happen if the child has been through bad situations, or has seen these crimes happening which encourages them. I believe it isn't the person that's bad, but instead the thoughts inside them. They came to a world as just a body with soul, but the surroundings make them this type of a person. So it should be the thoughts that should end, not the person. Physical labour in jails makes sense since they are criminals who know what they are doing and have ruined people's lives, so they shall get punished, but once they realise their mistake they are good people. Physical labour is a punishment as well as a way to make people work, OK I agree that "bad people" should be punished even by physical labour, but not the people who are children. Making a child dig holes to improve character is going to do nothing, instead it will almost kill them. And who knows once they are free after 18 months they might just become who they were because of their surroundings.

    1. I agree but don't you think sending them to jail is an even worst thing ever, they should rather spend digging holes for 18 months then going to jail. Cause once they would get old they would have a bad record

    2. Srushti - i agree with the fact that digging holes can get negative thoughts inside of the campers. But how you said "Making a child dig holes to improve character is going to do nothing, instead it will almost kill them." Considering that sentence, do you think that there is a better punishment that can be given to the campers of Camp Green Lake? A punishment that is better than digging holes, but will still yet help them build character? I would like to know your thought about that.

  8. Generally speaking, I think that physical labour does "build character" in the true sense of the word. Building character basically means breaking the person you were before, and finding a new person, a better person, a person that's honest, fair, has integrity, is responsible and respectful. A good citizen. When we refer back to holes, we can see that Stanley yelnats was sent to camp green lake to build character, because he was accused of stealing a famous athletes' shoes.

    I personally think that physical labour does not build character because I think that the change of " building character" has to come from within, It has to come with the feel for the need to change. I don't think that doing physical labour such as "digging a hole everyday for 18 months" can help build Your character.

    I think that physical labour gives you a sense and appreciation for hard work, but it does not necessarily build character. By doing physical labour, you know the value of hard work and won't take everything for granted, but I disagree with the fact that physical labour can help build character.

    An example from the real world world be: for example, kids (mostly high school students) take things for granted they have demands such as "I want the new phone" or "I want to eat pizza everyday" I have actually heard of kids who steal money from their parents to go shopping while their parents work hard to get a good earning. They do this because they do not know the value of hard work, they do not know the value of money, if they themselves would go to work and work hard, they will get a sense of appreciation for their parents and for hard work. But
    Because they would do physical labours, it does not necessarily mean they will build character. change of Character has to come from within, you cannot force someone to change themselves and thier way of thinking by making them work hard.

    1. don't you think it also depends on the type of person you r some take it seriously, and some think of it negatively everyone can't just not build character some people could throughout physical labour

    2. Actually, no, I think that no matter what type of person it is, no one can get anything good out of physical labour

    3. But you may never know, the torture would help them figure out what they have done wrong, and realize the consequences if they do anything negative again

    4. And they always say "you alway learn from your mistakes more then your success" that is really true they do make mistakes but they handle the torture so they could somehow become a good person and build character.

    5. The person will not make the same mistake again because they don't want to face the consequences, but if doing physical labour built character then that person would not make the same mistake again because they would know it's not the right thing to, by making a person do physical labour, you can control thier actions, but you cannot control thier way of thinking.

    6. it could change their way of thinking that is what would make them do non negative things, a person's reputation is only built by personality and doing non negative things builds personality in the outer world

    7. I agree with Harpreet. Even though you think that it wont change a person to build character, it still can. It all depends on the type of person it is, and from what point of view they are looking at the situation which they are in. Some may change by digging holes while some may not.

    8. Yes thank you abina for the reply what abina said is totally what I want to say it depends on each and every persons point of view some can change and on the other hand some can not

    9. Yes, I agree with your thinking harpeeet

    10. I see what you are saying harpreet, but I am saying that the person will not make the same mistake again because they don't want to be punished, and you are saying that by forcing themselves to not do bad things they will slowly change thier personality. But I believe that cannot change thier thinking, they are forcing themselves to not do anything bad, if digging holes built charecter, they would not have to force themselves to not do anything bad, therefore I believe it cannot change a persons way of thinking

    11. But Hitisha you say they won't make the mistake if they are afraid to be punished again. But how does that build character if they are just afraid and "act" to do the right thing?

    12. @hitisha personality can change anything even the way you think that is what I believe.

    13. When it comes to building character it's doesn't only mean the way you think but also means personality, if there is no good personality you can never build character

  9. What i think about this motto is that it is not compleatly correct because in the real world there are dangerous criminals who are behind bars that don't do anything then why do these boys have to be digging holes? I agree that at the end there was a purpose for the boys digging holes around the wasteland but this isn't exactly what should be happening because like the example earlyer there are people much older then stanley and the other prisoners so i think they should be doing less work then them

    Although they are younger then the crimminals i still think that they should be punnished for what they did. If they did something wrong of course. I think the correct punnishment for them should be less harsh than jail but,because the attitude of these boys is terrible they should be doing some work but not as hard as dogging holes every day under the hot sun of Camp Green Land. In conclution i do think that physical labour does helps to build charecter but it is not what should be used on the boys in the text.

    1. So what specific type of punishment would you give these boys, if you were the author?

    2. Yes but we are Not talking about criminal, do you think that doing any type of physical labour can help build a persons character?

    3. Vanshika - But why don't you agree with letting the boys to jail. In reality it doesn't make THAT much of a difference whether you are a child or not, if you did something wrong. Everyone should be treated equally. Treating the boys like adults will make them not to wrong things in the future when they become adults.
      Do you think it is okay for the boys to go to jail? Why? Why not?

    4. @abina well it depends if you are sent to jail it goes into a criminal record whic is bad for the upcoming future, and about camp green lake all you have to do is dig holes and change you negative attitude to a positive

    5. So if you don't think digging holes will build character, what punishments would help? Do you think they will LEARN wrong from right by doing so or would they just behave because they have a fear of being punished?

    6. So would you give the kids who did something wrong a even more severe punishment to teach them a lesson?

  10. In my opinion, physical labour does build charater and make you a better person. My reasoning for this is beacuse when I am home, I experience many many punishments that make me learn from my mistakes and wrong-doings so that I would learn and to not do them the next time around. By learning what is good and bad, it does make you a better person.

    In many of the punishments I recieve, I always think about what I've done or reflect upon myslef to seemingly regreting the mistake I've made. This is why I agree with the punishment I am given. One day, my sister were out on the front yard playing catch with a tennis ball. As our turns of catching and throwing the ball to each other, we accidentally (more like I accidentally) wasn't able to catch the ball and so it hit my mother's tulip flowers she was saving for her sisters' birthday or my aunt's brthday. She yelled at us both, but then I was the one who took the blame. My punishment then was to do the chores for the rest of the week. Coincidentally, this happened on a Sunday, and so I had to wash the dishes, clean the house, and clean the car for the rest of the week.

    I think that in the book Holes, many of the charaters would have regret and take a look back at what they've done to cause them spending their time digging holes at Camp Green Lake. Although Stanley Yelnats didn't do anything bad, he just in the wrong place at the wrong time because of the curse bestowed upon him and his family to recive bad luck.

    1. I see what you mean, but as you mentioned above you reflect on your actions and think if it was the right thing to do or not, but not everybody is like you, many people think that what they did was right and they never accept the fact that they need to change for their own good. By doing physical labour, you will not do the same crime again, not because you know it's the wrong thing to do, but because they don't really want to get punished again, so all in all physical labour does not change your character, build, your character, or change your thinking or point of view In any way.

    2. Joudith - I understand your point of view and thinking.

      Hitisha - Although some people don't reflect on their actions, some do, so you really cant say that doing labour will not change anyone's character or point of view in ANY WAY!!! It can in some way, but yet it still can not. It all depends on the type of person it is, You cant judge this situation with looking at it from different views.

    3. Joudith - I totally agree with your reasoning. Especially when you said that people learn from their mistakes, that is 100% true. I agree with your thought of the question, but do you agree that doing punishment can go the other way around. Do you agree that it can make a person NOT build character?Why? Why not? If so, are you then neutral to the question?

  11. I agree that physical labour builds charcter.The reason i think that is that if i were to dig holes everyday for 18 months in such hot,in such hot working conditions. I would definately behave myself so my parents dont send me back to "CAMP GREEN LAKE".One thime i went to the school to play basketball and football and i came home two minutes late and my sister made me do the dishes.I hate doing the dishes but you know what i learned a lesson there are consiquences for your action and ever since that day i come home early from now on or atleast try to.

    I think physical labour does increse charcter i think if you make a bad boy dig holes everyday for 18 months in the end he wil come out a good boy.

    1. You would behave because you don't want to get back to camp green lake, not because you realize that behaving is the right thing to do, so my point is that physical labour would make the person behave, but it would not bring true change on the inside

    2. Would you only come home early because you don’t want to the dishes or would you come home early because you wouldn't want your parents to worry about you.

    3. Behaving and changing are actually different things . I agree with you but for different reasons such as the simple fact physical labour builds character towards some people others its in significant .
      Your examples seem more as punishment and reward . Not doing the thing because you don't want to get in trouble again . But just look at sports they will put you through physical labour if you have an aggressive coach/trainer or just a determined mind . Ether way if you are determined you will be built back with more character maybe even more skill ! And the physical labour will work but some people react in different ways . It could make you or it could break you its honestly the way you take it in . I believe a determined mind would be positive change in character .

    4. As Rochelle said, your examples are like punishment and reward. It's almost like being tamed by limits and rules. Digging holes in your case wouldn't build any character because as you mentioned Anil, you would be afraid to be sent back to camp green lake. If you truly believed that digging holes built character, you would know your wrongs from your rights and you would change yourself rather than having a fear of being punished.

  12. Physical labour can build character and make you a better person. Well it certainly does depend on the person if they want that change in themselves or not. Sometimes forcing a person to do something physical does turn out to be a good result, but sometimes it doesn't. When this connects to camp green lake they make a bad boy dig holes everyday for 18 months that can make a person feel disciplined and know the consequences of doing something bad. Encouraging them to work hard and dig holes would slowly put an impact in their personality knowing their responsibility is to dig holes. I know no one would like to dig holes so big and deep they would eventually hate on digging for a period of time and would try not to be bad anymore. Some would believe it is a discouragement for them being forced to work. I also believe that doing physical labour would make you more active meaning not so lazy. Usually you would not want to do any work, so it helps you stay active to do work and decreases the amount of energy in your body. physical labour would help you stay out of laziness and build strength and muscle to keep you strong and healthy. Most kids generally do need punishments because they have done something bad like crime, but if you think of it digging hole is much better then going to jail. At least your not trapped in a small area for a long period of time. This engages a person to work hard and know the consequences of being trapped in a physical labour

  13. No, I don't think physical labour helps build character because they would be spending most of there day digging holes and it will teach them a lesson but not build character. They will be stronger, more tired, exercise, but it won't help them build character. To help them build character you would need to let them help the society by doing something nice for others helping out others and doing good things around there area. They need to learn to be nicer, be influenced to do great things not only that they should also discuss there past issues and try to learn a lesson from it. They can't just dig holes they won't learn anything. They will not become more generous, they won't help anyone. All they will learn is to dig better holes. They need to get out face reality be more productive. Make great friends. Understand situations. And what life has to bring them. They should teach them things they should have not done in that situation, they should talk a lot to them and help them become better people. Also we do digging to, well in our gardens of course! Be anyways we dig holes do we learn anything... Ummmm well not really because we just learn to dig better holes every time we dig holes. So I really don't think digging holes builds character.

    1. If digging holes will teach them a lesson, don't you think that they will avoid making the same mistake twice (won't that change their character)?

    2. I disagree.
      Looking past holes and into reality physical labour could be a very good thing , in sports teams , or even in schol !
      If you have that extra drive in sports or school you will do better .
      If you have determination in school you will make our self work 100% harder on projects,papers, posters , announcements etc. This will build character ! Self discipline , hard work ,and much more . Physical labour isnt a bad thing just like pressure or fear isnt a bad thing .
      Fear gets you scared it gets you going pressure gets you working because you know you dont want to screw up , Physical labour could build you or break it it just depends on who you are . I know 100% that it will build a determined go getter compared to a lazy person .
      It all depends on who you are . Because i know people who could play a sport like an all star but crack under pressuser . It depend on how you react to things and how you react to being broken and built again like i said it could break you or make you .

    3. Very true Rochelle. I Stand firm with you. I agree 100% . We tend to think it's a bad thing because it's labour and we are being made or "forced" to do things. But nobody sees the benefits in the future and how much of a better person it can make you! Pressure, force, and work, is all a good thing. It's reality. Not everything is fair in life. Digging holes in the book may not build character, but that can't be your final conclusion if there are no other examples of real world to prove your position.

  14. I don't think digging holes will make you a better person.I think this because digging holes will only make you stronger and and get more strength. It will only build physical strength and not academically meaning he wont really learn from his mistakes but will develop physical strength.This is just like the same in the real world because people garden sometimes and they dig holes and plant seeds its something like that because your digging holes and also working you are just developing physical skills and not academic skills meaning while your gardening your just realising you have to dig up theses holes and not really understanding what your developing in skills. And by digging holes everyday you would get very tired upset and stronger. So I recommend doing another way of making bad boys turn into good boys.One way we can do this is by having them learn from their mistakes of what brought them here to Camp Green Lake.And try to fix it.This is why I think Physical labour will not help you be a better person.

    1. In your opinion how could you make a person better?

    2. What type of changes would you bring to people like this?

    3. What about labours not relating to holes? Just because of one example (which I agree, digging holes do nothing to build character) you can't make the conclusion that real world labours are bad and don't build character. Any other examples to prove your position?

  15. In my opinion, deciding whether or not physical labour is able to build character depepnds on the person. There are many different kinds of people in this world and it's certainly not true that the same thing can work out for every single person that we try it on. Some people tend to be rough and the physical labour may take a while to affect them because they are so used to all this physical workout that it will take much longer for them to tire out and take the labour as torture whereas on others, it may starts working within a few hours. There are also some people that won't think that the labour is a way of getting them to change; they may take it as a punishment just by knowing it but it won't work on them as a method of changing their behaviour.Those type of people need to be approached in different ways. Sometimes, the attempt can backfire and instead of turning the person into a better individual, they become more agressive. To prove that its not always the best to use physical labour on people, take the several methods used to go against criminals; they're not always just given a bunch of tasks that involve physical workout. I agree that some prisons may send out the criminals to do tasks involving physical workout, but maybe you didn't know that sometimes, criminals get "pampered" in JAIL! "Jail/ prison is meant to be a rehabilitation for some. give them a opportunity to better themselves and the world becomes better one person at a time." This was said by someone on the web as an answer to why crimnals are treated in such a way. If you check a rehabilization centre, there are going to be several patients and hardly a few of them may have gone through the same path that brought them there and that's why they have many people to assist them and they know which method is suitable for which patient. I am not saying that physical labour is not a worhty way of building character, but it won't be the only option, so we have to keep in mind that it depends on the person first.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. No it really doesn't build anything other then muscle. Physically yeah it might make a change, but personality wise? No no no. This can tie into the punishment reward idea, just the gist of the outcome would be different. It is more like a punishment punishment idea, which in the end really does not positively affect them. I mean what is that going to help. Its just like "Oh you committed a crime? Let me make you build holes and treat you badly". Though they do get their relaxing time and what not, 2 pairs of clothes? That would be *stereo typically* a girls worst nightmare.

    In the end, you cannot really be forced to change. Especially for something you supposedly did (By supposedly I mean Stanley Y as he was charged guilty for something he did not do). You cannot make someone change their perspective. Digging holes really? Basically if your saying the whole "digging holes concept" works, your basically saying its okay to "change someone" as if it would ever work(s)(ed). Not only do I disagree that it works, but the whole idea of it is just so wacky. But let me elaborate on this whole "punishment punishment" thing. First thing first, the punishment reward idea is when you say don't complete your homework. You'd get into trouble and that could *highlight could* encourage you to want to do your work. The punishment punishment gig is like in Hole's case. When you commit a crime you get sent to a most definitely not a deluxe camp, but a camp that was once on a dried up lake. There, you dig up 5x5 holes thinking it will make you a quote on quote better person. It plays the "punishment reward" theme in reverse. You start off getting punished, then continued with more punishing (chores aka digging holes) and does the opposite.I would not really say it motivates you to be that golden person. They'd just want to give up. There really isn't anything that would motivate the campers to do the good. If anything its triggering their rage. They would want to lash out. Its doing more wrong then good.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. From my opinion I think that physical labour can build character. But only for some people. Some people in this world are just not ready for a good change, using physical labour punishment. But they will change. Maybe they will change because of a big life lesson. Or maybe during their last breath. No one in this world really nose when and how they will turn out to change. Either a change in a good way, or a change in a bad way. And punishments can be anything, doesn't have to be physical labour. But in the book," HOLES" they use physical labour. They must work everyday for 18 months, digging holes. And even if this kind of punishment makes the person a better person, they will still have a certain kind of fear or bad and negative thought within themselves. Specially if it is a small kid that you are punishing. You will see that after a long time of torture and pain that kid is a better person. But what you don't see is that kids heart. Who still remembers all the pain you have given it. And then you might never even think that the person who had turned good, became bad again. But what I am saying can also not be true. That kid will stay good, in the fear of having to bare that pain again in life.
    But let me get back to the point, which is it being a good thing. I did agree with the fact that it is not bad, it is good because that is what I personally thought. And to prove my point, I had done a little research. And these two websites here:

    1) http://www.businessinsider.com/10-ex-criminals-who-completely-turned-their-careers-around-2012-6?op=1

    2) http://www.criminaljusticeusa.com/blog/2011/10-famous-ex-cons-who-turned-it-around/

    I found them really fascinating. Though there were many example in both of the websites, about punishment making a criminal good. There was one in the first website, which I found to be the best example I could use to prove my point. It was the second example in the first website.

    1. You talked about the concept of digging holes like in the book. So basically you believe that digging holes makes them better people? It makes them physically stronger but mentally? Does it teach them not commit crime? I don't think that there is any crime that relates to digging holes for punishment. If there's punishment it should be given related to the crime for lessons to be learnt if that is the case.

  18. In my opinion I don’t think that physical labor will build character or make the person a good person because making someone do work by force is not a way to make someone a GOOD person at all, sure the person will not repeat the mistake that they had to do physical labor because they are afraid if they repeat that mistake they will have to suffer from physical labor and if you don’t think practically then the person that had been from physically wouldn't regret there mistake in a positive instead they will not like another words hate the person that made them do work by force because it is a humans nature that whenever they are forced to do something that they don’t like and they are suffering from the consequence then obviously they will not like the other human that forced them to that work and made them suffer.

    1. What about other physical labours? You don't suffer with all of them. Just because it sounds intense and brutal in the book doesn't mean that in every work that has to do with your body makes you suffer.

  19. I don't think that physical labour can make you a better person its just like you are being treated like animals you do something wrong you get punished do something good get a reward,digging a 5 by 5 will just make you better at digging and make you stronger physically because by digging holes you will just learn the true understanding of hard work.That might change you if you are into it and you believe and you wanna change or it can go the other way you build hatred against the people who force you to do stuff.Physical labor is like they break you down and they build you back up as a better person but It can go either way it can make you a better person or it can be the opposite if you get lazy build up hatred against the people and end up trying to escape and or do something revolutionary.There is a good chance that people change if they believe in themselves and you are determined and mainly your feelings are not being hurt.Like Albert Einstein said "If people are good because they only fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are sorry lot indeed".
    But in general like if you are on a sports team and are being pushed and taken down by your coach you will get better and build up confidence and self esteem i can work if you are determined and believe in yourself so i say that physical labour can make a person better excluding the fear of punishment and and getting award.You should be forced to do something you don't wanna do you have to find your passion something that you wanna work hard for rather than being afraid of punishment because they are going to end up back at that spot where they were before they were forced and had to suffer so i still think that physical labour can make you a better person only if you are determined towards what you are doing and are not being forced.

    1. In the begging you said you don't agree and at the end you said you agree. why did you say that? Did you change your mind at the end?

    2. Ya I agree with Abu it doesn't make sense if you disagree from the beginning and agree at the end

    3. So if your not determined you can't do anything? You know that life is unfair and not everyone gets what the want in the end of their lives. Don't you think it's good to get used to different things? Most of the world have jobs in small places they don't want. Some don't even have jobs. Don't you think it's good for us to KNOW what to expect rather than for it just to be a surprise? Sometimes being forced is necessary Subhan.

  20. I'm sorry everyone but I am going to disagree to most of you. I actually believe that physical labor can actually build character and make the person someone better. What does physical labor mean first of all? Very briefly, it means to work using your body to do jobs that involve lifting and carrying as an example. Now hear me out. My opinion of physical labor lies and evolves around what I personally see with my eyes and my understanding of daily physical labor.

    The physical labor in the book entitled "Holes" is definitely not one that I would agree with. The physical labor that I agree with is the one that consists in our everyday lives. I mean, in Canada I wouldn't believe that there are such programs and camps like Camp Green Lake in the book "Holes." Camp Green Lake is just torture! In the book, they mentioned how the Warden believes that digging holes is a good way to turn bad boys into good boys. I mean, that's complete foolishness. Yes, digging holes may toughen and strengthen up their muscles, body, and pain tolerance since they will be there for quite a long period of time. However strengthening their minds? Making them good boys by digging 5x5 holes? No No. If they truly did something wrong, and if they truly wanted them to become better people, they wouldn't punish them for a complete absurd digging activity. How does starving and dehydrating children make them better people? Why punish them with something that isn't related to digging holes? If they wanted to make these bad children better human beings, then they should at least give them a punishment that relates to the crime they have committed so that they know what is wrong from right. Children are never born to be BAD. It's the way a child is raised that causes disruption and problems. If children are raised knowing their rights from wrongs, there are higher chances of doing more good things than bad things in your life. It is WAY easier to be bad than it is to be good. Just like how it is easier to frown more than it is easier to smile because smiling uses many more muscles in your face than frowning or not smiling. Therefore I'm not saying that the physical labor done in the book "Holes" makes you a better person.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Physical labor can be seen in many different ways. Here are some examples to prove my position of how Physical labor can make people, ESPECIALLY children build their character. Let me give a sports example for all of you sport fans. Think about coaches. Coaches will always be in your face, telling you what to do, correcting your mistakes, keeping their eye on you, switching you around with others, taking you off games, yelling, pushing you, convincing you, pressuring you, for the same things in the end... Win. Success. Heads held high. Representation and representatives and many more. Do sports help build character? Yes, they do help build character. However it doesn't just happen, we must be intentional about it. Coaches that are in your face all the time demonstrate through their words and actions the values of sports that translate well into our daily lives. Sports build things such as respect for oneself and others, fairness, grace in defeat, humility in victory and so on.

      From what I believe, starting when kids are very young until they leave the house, teaching children to work physically, builds their character and makes them a better person. Here are more examples of daily physical labor I know of and see in my daily life. Physical labor makes kids appreciate things more than they do. When they wash the car, they are more careful not to dirty it because they know how hard and time consuming cleaning cars would be, When they pull weeds outside from the garden or property, they will admire the landscaping and beautiful green space and grass, When they clean toilets and sinks, they’re more careful where they use the washroom and wash their hands. Doing simple things like these will build character in children. It will build confidence in what they do, make them feel good about themselves, and most importantly LEARN how to do them. I mean, they will one day have their own washrooms and cars to clean, and they will have their own weeds to pull and grass to mow.That builds character and awareness. It suddenly makes them a better person because they know their "do's and their don'ts" Physical labor makes kids appreciate the hard work their parents do for them (so they can buy food, clothes, pay rent, etc.). To some degree, they understand what it’s like and what it will be like for them in the future. Not only that, but after they finish a physical job they really don’t want to do, they feel a sense of pride that they accomplished it. Physical labor helps kids not to be lazy so that as adults, they have a better attitude towards work that needs to be done where there is no pay. They have a tendency and habit to offer their help when there is a need.

    2. I can also relate and give an example for myself. I mean.. Ever since I can remember, I have worked hard in what I wanted. The home examples I've listed above are some of the things that my parents make me do at home. Life isn't fair and us as children may not like cleaning the house all the time. But I've been doing it for so long now that it is just a habit. This has reflected in EVERYTHING I do now. I even give my all to the simplest of assignents and projects at school. Sometimes I moan and groan when my Mother tells me to do something but then she tells me how the only reason of why she tells me to do it is so I learn the values and respect my parents. My mom tells me that she doesn't make me do work just so she doesn't have to do it. She says that she will do it regardless because she has done it all her life. However what really matters, as she tells me, is my learning of how to do these things. Once I get older it may be too late to start all these things that my mother has already taught me how to do. All these chores have made me more active, organized, responsible, and definitely more respectful towards my parents who have done all of these things when they were younger. It also has taught me to never take my parents for granted. I was always too busy with myself and haven't seen how hard my parents work to get things done the way they want it to. Now that I do most things, I feel proud and glad that I could lift some weight off of my mother's shoulders because it is only now, where I understand how much work she controls and does.

      I went a off topic and made a personal connection but that's why I believe that Physical labor isn't as bad as everyone is describing it as! It helped me become the hard working person I am today.. therefore I have no complaint with daily and regular physical labor.

    3. i agree . Its like having pressure , Its not a bad thing .

    4. Would you guys consider digging holes as pressure?

    5. But tamana don't you think that there is also a chance that making some one work in a harsh environment can also make them more angry and cause them to do more of that thing?!?!

    6. Harsh? I already have said that digging holes I'm my opinion is harsh. Other things that I have mentioned above, I believe are good and they help build character! It has made me who I am today so I have no complaint or disagreement with it.

    7. Yes! Thank you Rochelle! And Gitie Yes. I think It's cruel to do so. If you will punish them, punish them in a way relating to their crime so they learn their lesson and so that they can tell good from bad !!

  21. Physical labour can build character but it depends on who the person is . It could ether make you or break you , hurt you or make you stronger , toughen you or train you , punish you or reward you . It all really depends on who your are .
    Let's use a sports team as an example . A young girl has been playing soccer her whole life ! Now sports are very aggressive and so are the coaches . If you don't do well they will get in your face . Let's say this young girls throw in"a weren't as effective as they use to be . Why ? Who knows ! But the coach knew that it shouldn't have went so short especially when the girl was capable of much , much more ! The coach now gets in her face ! She has to take 5 laps around the field and do exhausting drills . Now she is broken down by the physical labour but it has also built some character for her , the coach getting in her face and the physical labour was almost like a sign to do better next time , work harder , and practice your throw in"s ! This could also work as a whole team ! For an example beaumondes boys volleyball team went to there first practice tourney thinking they were going to win although they came in last . When the boys arrived for there next practice Mr.cheney made them work hard ! Basically re-building them . They forget everything they knew and they got ready to learn better , and harder . This physical labour built character as the boys advanced at there next tournament .
    Another example of how physical labour can build character is in class . But it is more of mental labour . Let's say Mr.Cheney gives the class a rant about being better in high school , and how our work shouldn't be so under grade level because in high school it won't get you far . Now although this is giving you a reality check next year there going to break you and build you back up as a new person because self discipline is what your going to need and as I said before if just matters about who you are self discipline could ether make you or break you . It could ether build a more independent person or just effective in the worst ways possible .
    Linking back to the example about sports teams if you never played a sport , or if you are lazy and not so determined this could not build anything for you ! It would most likely break you . If it's your first time playing you don't have that aggression as yet . You haven't been taught aggression so you most likely would be scared and it wouldn't build character it would just create fear , and if your lazy you will stay the same or under take because you don't have that determination due to the cause of laziness you might not even try. Although if your one of those but determined it would build your character because what you are is a go getter .
    Physical labour could build character for you if depends on who you are . I feel that more aggressive people could relate to physical and athletes . Also children in school always working harder for better grades and self disciplining them self . I don't think lazy people could relate to this , or stubborn people or more so the people who are use to punishment and reward because to them it would be like training . Doing the punishments and not doing it again because there is a punishment . This does not teach much other than to listen ( almost like a pet) . Rather than determined people who could learn from it and change not because they have too but because they want to achieve more .

    1. I agree it usually depend on what type of a person you are and how you would react to these type of punishments

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I don't think physical labour or any type of labour can you a better person. Doing any kind of labour work will make you get tired, tiredness will make you go to bed fast in order to sleep, sleep will make you lazy but It will make you opposite to getting better, which is bad and getting lazzy. Doing so much physical labour work a day, will make you fight someone because of you are going to be mad and think to yourself why you did so much labour work? I am saying that because if someone tell me to do some kind labour work. From that labour work sometimes I get tired and that tiredness makes me someone for almost no reason. I think that only doesn’t happen to me, it happens to almost everyone.
    Soccer players have so many matches a month, they either win or lose, each way they have to practice after each match. That’s doing labour work, soccer players play for their team or their country in return they get paid like simple man will. They practice to get better at the game, they don’t practice to make themselves a better person. Why do you think there are fights in almost every soccer game? Because of the players practice a lot to make their team win the game. That make them get tired during the game. If something goes wrong then there’s a fight.
    Teachers gives you some kind of punishment for not passing a math test. It’s more of mental labour work not like the real labour work, where you have to lift weights. That punishment doesn’t make you better person. If the teacher explains you the whole unit again but that but that will make you get better in math. When the student goes home they get mad and madness make them want to fight like soccer players because of they are not so good in math. The after that day they will forget about the punishment. If the students wants to get better in math or any subject then they can easily, if they don’t want to then instead of getting better they get worst.
    Relating this back to THE HOLES. Digging 5x5 holes doesn’t make you a better person. It will make you stronger because of lifting weights does build up your muscles. Instead of getting stronger from your brain, thoughtful brain you get stronger from your muscles. After that most of the people think that they have enough muscles. They go and fight someone for no reason because o they want to show other people their muscles and how their brain got worst from the work they have done.
    That’s why I think physical labour or any kind of labour work doesn’t make you better and build up you character. I think you should leave the person on its on who doesn’t have a good character, one day will come and then they will realize the things that they have done are wrong.

    1. Abu what's your opinion on talking it over with the person? Do you think that talking it over would be more affective than digging holes or giving a punishment?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. No I actually disagree with their motto, you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole everyday for 18 months he will eventually become a good boy. This is actually false, this quote is trying to say that putting a kid in manual labor, will change their behavior, uhh maybe if it is so brutal like slavery, but that is illegal in Texas. What they do in camp green lake isn't actually as vicious as slavery. The kids are put in a rough environment, and forced to dig a hole.
    The kids are put in the camp, because they haven’t thought there life through, they were being imbecilic, and ended up in camp green lake. The kids there aren't like every other kid, they are different, either with mental issues, or being stupid, and doing the wrong thing. And digging holes is supposed to help make the boy a good boy, when the boy is supposedly a little coo coo in the head. They don’t take in consequences as we do.
    The kids may be effected for the first week and after that they get used to it, and they grow physically but their mind doesn't grow, they might learn survival for the fittest. They mind is at the same state it was at when they entered the camp.

    The kids change, positively, but not by labor but by staying away from their home, and loved ones, that is exactly how prison works. The prime minister of Canada said "There are some people who commit such dreadful crimes that they should be sent to prison and life should mean life." they people may change but in prison, prison is much more harsh. In the movie escape by Silvester Stalone, it shows the insides of prisons, they are treated like animals.

    i think institutions could change a man in a negative way, physically yeah but the rough environment or assaults the guards do. Christian Lownes came out of a prison, and is now in a mental health PSU (Psychiatric Services Unit) SHU segregation program. this was resulting in the experiences he had in the prison.

    the question isn't only related to prison, actually it is stating that if labor was a consequence could it change people. no making people do things they don't want to do will not change them. people do what they love, put a kid in a pain staking job everyday he will hate it, the kid could actually build up anger. he might see the treat in everything, a teacher asking him do something or a favor for a friend.

    labor of any sort, like a consequence from a parent, may cause the anger inside the kid. so over all the kid might change, it depends on how the kid is, but i don't think labor changes people's behavior, anyone gonna challenge me?

  26. No I actually disagree with their motto, you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole everyday for 18 months he will eventually become a good boy. This is actually false, this quote is trying to say that putting a kid in manual labor, will change their behavior, uhh maybe if it is so brutal like slavery, but that is illegal in Texas. What they do in camp green lake isn't actually as vicious as slavery. The kids are put in a rough environment, and forced to dig a hole.
    The kids are put in the camp, because they haven’t thought there life through, they were being imbecilic, and ended up in camp green lake. The kids there aren't like every other kid, they are different, either with mental issues, or being stupid, and doing the wrong thing. And digging holes is supposed to help make the boy a good boy, when the boy is supposedly a little coo coo in the head. They don’t take in consequences as we do.
    The kids may be effected for the first week and after that they get used to it, and they grow physically but their mind doesn't grow, they might learn survival for the fittest. There mind is at the same state it was at when they entered the camp.

    The kids change, positively, but not by labor but by staying away from their home, and loved ones, that is exactly how prison works. The prime minister of Canada said "There are some people who commit such dreadful crimes that they should be sent to prison and life should mean life." the people may change but in prison, prison is much more harsh. In the movie escape by Silvester Stalone, it shows the insides of prisons, they are treated like animals.

    i think institutions could change a man in a negative way, physically yeah by the rough environment or assaults the guards do. Christian Lownes came out of a prison, and is now in a mental health PSU (Psychiatric Services Unit) SHU segregation program. this was resulting in the experiences he had in the prison.

    the question isn't only related to prison, actually it is stating that if labor was a consequence could it change people. no, making people do things they don't want to do will not change them. people do what they love, put a kid in a pain staking job everyday he will hate it, the kid could actually build up anger. he might see the treat in everything, a teacher asking him do something or a favor for a friend.

    labor of any sort, like a consequence from a parent, may cause the anger inside the kid. so over all the kid might change, it depends on how the kid is, but i don't think labor changes people's behavior, anyone gonna challenge me?

  27. Physical labour can NOT build character and make you a better person. It's the same as punishment and reward; except without the actual reward. You're not going to change, it's just that if you'll so called "stop" so there is no punishment. When I say stop, I mean you'll act as if you're a "good boy" or if you're a girl you'd be a "good girl". People believe in punishment and reward differently. Thinking that you will get a reward after doing something all the time is kind of crazy. For example, think about when your mom pushes you to clean your room. There is probably going to be no reward. But after having punishment and reward stuck in your head, you would clean your room. That doesn't mean you will become some neat freak; you'll be the same. Everyone thinks that physical labour can build character because after it, the person will stop so they don't go through the same thing again. But think about it! The only reason he/she will stop would be so that they don't have to be going through physical labour again. The person isn't better now! They're the same! He/she might still be wanting to do the usual things he/she does. So no physical labour does not build character and make you a better person.

  28. I believe that physical labour doesn’t build character and it won’t make you a better person because a person won’t change if someone else tells them to change or someone gives them labour work to do. A person will only change or regret their mistakes only if they want to because no one can actually can force you to become a good child. If someone makes you dig holes you will just dig the holes and you won’t be learning anything from doing labour. You won’t realise that what you did was wrong and that’s why you will never change no matter how much labour work you have to do. All the child must be thinking is that once I’m done doing this labour I’m free to go not thinking that how could this have affected their life or what they did was wrong.
    People believe that if they make kids do labour work the kids will mind their ways because the child wouldn’t want to do labour work again. Maybe some kids will mind their ways and they will become a good boy, but what are the chances of that, really less. I believe labour work isn’t a permanent cure to make a bad boy into a good boy. Labour work would make the kid stop doing bad things for a while but not forever. Sooner or later the kid will start doing what he is used to do either it is robbery or any other crime. To make a kid realise that what he did is wrong and not to do such a thing again will take a while, making a kid do 18 months of labour work will not make a big difference to change their opinion about what they did is wrong. Making a kid do labour work in the boiling heat will just make the kid suffer nothing else will happen. Maybe the kid will get angrier about what they did with them that once they get free they will do crimes that are even worse.
    Let’s take for example when Stanley reached his camp a guy nicknamed “Armpit” was bullying Stanley. Look even though “Armpit” has been at the camp longer he still is the same. Even with digging the holes “Armpit” is still the same, a bully. I think going to this camp made “Armpit more angry either then improving his character and attitude. Also let’s take a real world example in some areas of the world the people in jail have to labour like mining or carrying heavy rocks from one area to the other. The government thinks if they make the criminals do this they will stop but probably half of those criminals end up in jail again because they just don’t want to mend their ways. Just like making criminals lifting up rocks and doing other hard labour won’t make a difference it won’t make a big difference to the other people who get labour has punishment. I do agree some people only mend their ways only when they do hard labour but I think a more proper and realistic way to make people understand what they did was wrong is to talk to them about it and why they did it and why they shouldn’t do it again and who knows the kid will probably realise there mistake and I think talking to the person is 100 times better than making them suffer and make them do physical labour.

  29. I think physical labour builds character because digging holes in such hot weather will make you stronger, faster and wiser both mentally and physically.
    I think physical labour makes you a better person because that way you won't ever want to go back to the camp and dig holes so most likely you behave and do better things in life other than committing crimes and wasting your time.
