Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

If you are new or old to blogging it doesn't matter! Get going, get involved and get busy learning.

Mr. Cheney

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 15

Summer School 2013 8/7 Day 15 Tuesday July 23

Helpful Apps: Snapseed (free), Lens Light (Paid), Over or overgram, iMovie, Filmic Pro, Movie Looks, Splimage (Kevin)  

Joke of the Day (The Gold Book):

By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.

Getting Started and Whats on Twitter: How to throw a football 
Journal Response:

Continue with Journal Prompt on Celebrities and making money.  Stay focused on a) high end vocabulary b) using devices to enhance and find evidence to support your position c) use the conversations you had as evidence in your response d) consider a paragraph to address your rebuttal of the counter argument 

Take up and Share
  • Get into groups of 2-5 and share your best argument in agreement or disagreement (6 min)
  • Combine groups and do the same (12 min)
* Back to desks and we will share as an entire class but first 6 students to share will be done by nomination  


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