Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

If you are new or old to blogging it doesn't matter! Get going, get involved and get busy learning.

Mr. Cheney

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Cheat Photos

The Cheat Photos

Hey Team here are your photos from yesterday assignment.  

What was the best part of this mini project?

What was the biggest challenge?

How could you use this skill again?

What's your favourite picture and why?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it has so much inportant interesting words and style

  3. The best part if this mini project was editing the pictures and using different apps and effects to enhance the pictures and improving the quality of the picture. And to add dialogue and saying to the pictures was allot of fun.
    Editing was a new thing for me and my group but we also had a lot of fun and we enjoyed editing the most.
    My group didn't really have any trouble. we got along really well.I think the only problem we had was the layout. We had a bit of problem getting the right quotes and sayings and putting them in the right place. We would try something then erase it because it wasn't right. But at the end we were all actually proud of or pictures.
    I could use this skill in many different ways. I can use it for my projects. Instead of taking someone's pictures off the internet, I can make my own by using these skills I have learnt.
    All the pictures are really nice in their own ways. Each picture is unique and different, but if I had to choose my favourite I would say...The first one.:)
    The effects and writing look really nice and they go with the picture really well. The way they have put their picture looks really cool. The effects they have chosen looks really cool. The way their picture was set-up goes really will with the scene. Over all, the picture looks really nice and it relates to the even really well.

    1. Great it sounds like your group was fully engaged!

    2. We were. :) We had a lot of fun doing this activity/mini project!!

  4. AWW MAN!! I can't believe I missed this!! :C
    It looks fun :3
    My favourite picture is the top one, because it looks appealing to the eye, if you ask me. I like the meaning of the quote, the creativity, the font, and the effects.
    Well done!

    1. yes Linda you would have enjoyed this project! Next time will be your time!

      the first picture Neha's group uses a special lens as well as all the apps

    2. Yeah, I missed it too. Seems like it would've been a lot of fun. *sadface*

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What was the best part of this mini project?
    I think the best part of this project was trying new things with new people i never worked with before.

    What was the biggest challenge?
    I think the biggest challenge for this project was taking pictures from different angles becuase sometimes you couldn't get all the people in the picture or the lighting was bad so you had to move your location for your picture or make up a whole new idea from your picture. Another problem was finding the quotes.. there were many good qoutes but sometimes the qoutes didn't match with the picture you would hav to change the quotes. My group had a hard time matching qoutes with the picture we had taken.

    How could you use this skill again?
    I could use this skill again for another assignment that could come up in the future. If I have to edit or add text to a picture i can use the apps Snapseed and over.

    What's your favourite picture and why?
    I think my favorite picture is number eight because they have a good qoute written on the picture... And it also looks like something I would do if i got caught cheating or i got called down to the office.

    1. You like the Abu picture with his head down, yes he is the perfect Rob in that photo

  7. For me the biggest challenge was editing the photo because you have to know which parts and kind of parts you may want to blear out. The most challenging part was when we to take pictures or photos. My group had little bit problem taking the the Photos.

    1. Give me more! answer al;l the questions and provide insight into how you could use this skill again.

  8. I like the picture in black and white
    considering the fact that the poetry is like sarah and some of the words that are meant to describe cheating on the photo is on the steps of the stairs, very well composed

  9. Q -What's your favourite picture and why?

    I like the one with Lana put her head down on the table and wearing the cap on her head and because I editing it i like how Abigail took the picture with a good angle and i love the qutoe we wrote on it "i should plead,cry,beg and i say yes sir " that was my favourite one

    Q-How could you use this skill again?

    A-I could use this skill again for my other project and in the future i guess ....

    Q-What was the biggest challenge?
    A-My group challenge was that how to take the picture on a good angle so we took alot of picture before we pick which one we actually like it was pretty hard to take the picture because were not sure of what we actually want .

    1. you guess???

      Yes the picture your group took is excellent

    2. okay i will use it in the future and Thank you

  10. What was the best part of this mini project?
    taking the photo , because in our group we took many photos from different angles and we also asked ms.Jackson to take photos in her office to make our photos realistic like its in an actual office (which it is)

  11. What was the biggest challenge?
    The biggest challenge was in the office where the angle where we took the picture from was where the window was , it was so bright that we had to do so much editing to make the window dimmed enough to not have it overrule the picture

    1. yes light sources are your biggest enemy and friend when taking photos

  12. How could you use this skill again?
    well if we want to take pictures and edit them so we can brag to all our friends on what a great picture I took (saying you didnt edit this) would make your friends jealous
    also if you want to be a news photographer for the news paper you could learn to use this skill better so you can edit all of your pictures in the news paper

  13. What was the best part of this mini project?
    the best part of this mini project was being able to comprehend the text while having more experience with editing pictures that we could also personalize by adding text and having us become the characers of the cheat.

    What was the biggest challenge?
    the biggest challenge of the project would be finding the correct position and quotes for each picture. while taking pictures, we always had a few errors like someone moved or laughed or the lighting was too bright or too dark and even that the scene would be too large for it to fit in the camera. after a few shots, when we found what we were happy with, we had a lot of trouble finding a quote that matched the scene and was from the book.

    How could you use this skill again?
    i could use this skill to help me with finding the picture i wanted for a project by personalizing to perfection and even with reading comprehension if i need to answer questions, i could try to match each character with their talk and visualize their character.

    What's your favourite picture and why?
    my favourite picture would be the 5th one because even though it had the least writing, it had the perfect quote for the position and the perfect position for the scene. each person reflects the character through their posture. and they found the perfect quote that even if it weren't therre, maybe people would know that thos picture belongs with that quote.

    1. for the answer for What was the biggest challenge
      i agree with you we had troubles in the office because the window was way too bright so we had to edit for a long time

  14. what was the best part of this mini project?
    for me the biggest challenge was editing taking a poto that was perfect and i hated the part where me and abu were editing the photo and when we were done the photo was deleted by accident.

      what was the best part of this mini project?
      ''for me the biggest challenge was editing taking a poto that was perfect''

  15. What is the best part of the mini project?

    The best part of the mini project in my perspective is editing the picture because there were alot of effects you could add to the pictures.

    What was the biggest challenge?

    The biggest challenge was getting a good angle to take the picture because we kept on trying to take the pictures from different angles but the lighting wasn't right or someone in the group doesn't think the picture looks good.

    How could you use this tool again?

    You could use that tool again for another assignment so than the picture has fully been mad by yourself instead of getting on Google.

    What is your favourite picture and why?

    My favourite picture is the 1st one because i like the text on it and the editing was cool

  16. Whats your favourite picture and why?

    my favourite picture is the first one. this is my favourite picture because,it uses all of the apps we learnt about really well. They added many details to it, and it captures my attention.But,I also do like the fifth picture. I also like this one because it looks realistic how one person is walking away from the other and it also uses the apps we learnt well.

  17. I can't answer the questions, but I can safely say these pictures all look great! I like how all of them feel like they embody the characters' different views. For example, the ones where Anil is Dan all look like they're from the standpoint of a jockish dude who thinks he's all that. The ones where people play Katie and Sarah look like they have a w=very mellow/calm look about them.

  18. The best part of this mini project was organizing the photo and putting the scenes together with the text because everybody added their own ideas and the scenes looked great on paper but when we actually did them it was a bit hard to compose the picture and tell who is going to be who in the picture and where the picture is going to be taken.
    The most challenging part of this project was editing the photos and taking the photos. Editing the photo was a bit challenging to because first of all we couldn’t choose a picture to edit because all the pictures we took were nice but we had to decide which two would work out with the editing and the effects. Secondly we were a group of four so when we were editing the photo at least two of us had nothing to do, that made the group less focused!
    Taking the photos was challenging because we had our scenes planned and everything but sometimes the lighting wasn’t good but the place was or we didn’t have enough people to finish the scene, and most of all the photos we took came out good but we really couldn’t decide which ones to edit.
    We could use these skills again in any subject whether its high school or middle school or we could also just do it for fun and who knows you might just get something good out of it in the future. We could use it in school again for like when teachers ask you to make a poster or something... instead of taking pictures from Google and plagiarising you could just take your own photo, edit it, that way your grades would go higher and you are being creative not only in art class but in history English or geography etc.
    My favourite picture would be the sixth one because you could tell it’s edited but it also looks really realistic and just by looking at the picture and reading the caption you could briefly tell what scene of the book has been put into a photo.

  19. The best part of this mini project would definitely be the amount of fun we had taking these pictures, as well as our end result of our picture. In the beginning you don't really see your final product, you don't know if it will turn out right, you don't know if its what you want, you dont know if its tell the story ,and that would be what got my group a bit off track but slowly as you get to that certain point its visible of what is expected. Overall I'm very pleased with our end result, the amount of effort and effects used make it in my opinion outstanding. This went beyond my expectations. One of the other best parts would be the freedom we got in creativity. Freedom in Creativity is always the key to making something bigger and better. The fact that Mr.Cheney just started off the road and then left the rest of the road for us to build, he let us place wherever, whenever and however we want the stop signs to go, where the yellow lines should be put, what colour and what angle it should be set at..It was all up to us.Which I strongly believe is good because it lets us show what talent we have, but it also shows if we all actually understand the concept. It’s always about applying one thing to another. If you cant describe a whole paragraph in a picture then it’s for sure you can't write about it in a journal response. One thing always taps into another. And from experience using technology to the extent I've noticed freedom and creativity does enhance your skills, as per it did for me. This was something bigger,better,new than ever before which I definitely loved because I find myself an okay writer and not one of the best but I was able to do all that even BETTER in a picture then I would have in a response. My group and I did well :)

    1. The biggest challenge my group had would be acting out and receiving the picture. As much as we had the picture plan ready we still weren't able to get it right. When we all imagined it we expected something different, something more tumblr type but it turned out to be the opposite. We all have immense imaginations, we want to take a picture that would be taken by a professional photographer, as easy as it looks and sounds it was difficult, know I finally understand when they say it’s easier said than done. My group and I had big plans to do this and that and add that and this, but we weren’t even able to get that one right photo. We did everything exactly as our plan, we placed our actors in the spot we wanted, we had them with the right clothes on and the camera set at that correct angle but it just wasn’t turning out right, it just wasn’t that one picture that blew our minds away. And I would definitely blame myself for this issue. In the beginning we all thought of an amazing plan but as the person taking the picture I decided just to stand in one spot. I sat in that same corner taking 6 million pictures with just an inch difference to each picture, I moved around but that to just a 180 degree getting the same view. We just gave up, that was it we didn’t want to do the pictures anymore because that wow factor wasn’t in the picture and making our way back to class we found this spot right by the doors just staring at it for a few seconds we could actually see our perfect , wow factor picture and so we got our actors in place and I started to take a picture as I took the picture I kept imagining it at different angles much better so I got the tri pod and started doing different angles and dimensions up close , far back, I played around with the focus and the zoom as well as the lighting, I could just feel that creativity come out of all of us, the actors just had more emphasis when they were just re-enacting the something they did a few minutes ago. And to add a bit of ‘flavour’ and something different than the rest I decided to use the fish lens which enhanced the picture a lot. I tried to keep a limited amount of pictures because one trouble I always run into is choosing which picture we want to use and like always we ran into that trouble…We had so many options, we could see what we wanted on each picture but it was down to the best 2 so we had votes on it. Even though we weren’t supposed to take 6 million pictures I still did because I didn’t want to miss out on that great opportunity. As we took the pictures the actors hands and faces started to hurt they couldn’t sit or stand any longer and I can’t blame them they were in one same position for a short but long amount of time period. In the ending our picture in my opinion turned to be yet amazing , and it was all worth it.


    2. There are many ways in using this skill again; it can be applied to anything and everything. From English, to math, to science and history, believe it or not! It can. This skill we used was basically photography mixed in by showing the concept and understanding of a certain book, story, and information. As Mr.Cheney already said you can take your own pictures and place them in your project this shows you actually understand what you are taught ie: Science, a colorful picture of people curled up into a ball. Person green and person red can be side by side showing these “molecules” are attracted to one another. You can also use this specific skill in expressing yourself as well. Each picture tells a story either it’s deep or light, sad or happy and then posting them on facebook or twitter rather than making a status. This allows you to use your creativity.
      My favourite picture would be all of them. Each tell their own story yet the same story. They all are different in their own way not just the font or the position of the character, the concentration and love for the book is also shown.
