Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

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Mr. Cheney

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Cheat

The Cheat

Hey Team:

In the last chapter Sarah began considering her level of guilt.  This is what she said;

How did it work, guilt wise, I wondered.  Was Jake as guilty as me? Was I more or less guilty then Rob and Dan ?  How much less guilty was Katie for not using the answers?  Did that make her entirely innocent? Or did she at least get tiny black flecks on her soul for even considering cheating?

And how about if I hadn't got caught? Would that make me guiltier or less guilty?  Is there some kind of spiritual measuring stick or justice scales or something that assigns level of guilt?

How does it work GUILT wise? Answer Sarah's questions about each students level of guilt! (Sarah, Katie, Dan, Rob, Jake)

As well pick 2 other students to dialogue, debate and challenge about there opinions on level of guilt!


  1. Katie is less guilty for not using the answers, but she's still a little bit because she still considered about cheating and accepting the answers from Sarah in the first place.This didn't make Katie entirely innocent. Jake is as guilty as Sarah because he gave her the answers even though he didn't cheat himself. If Sarah hadn't got caught, this wouldn't make her less guiltier because she has still cheated and that guilt will always be there no matter what she does because it's the truth. Sarah is more guilty than Rob and Dan because they cheated but got the answers from Sarah, who also cheated.

    1. Solid answers but use paragraphs and sub headings to help keep your responses organized and easy to follow.

  2. JAKE: i guess jake was as guilty as sarah for giving the answers. if jake wouldn't have gave the answers, no one would have cheated.

    ROB AND DAN: sarah was actually more guiltier than rob and dan because she was the one who decided to give the answers to dan and rob after all. but they had an option to ignore the answers which they objected. so they are guilty too but just not as much as sarah.

    KATIE: Katie was not actually guilty because she ignored the answers because she felt cheating was wrong. so katie could be guilty that she didn't tell the teacher that her friends had cheated but she is not guilty for not using the answers.

    KATIE: that didn't really make her entirely innocent becuase first she did take the answers and changed her mind while the test was on. she had also studied the answers( aacbc, aacbc...) at first that gives the prof the she wanted too cheat, but her changing her decisions is the fact that before using the answers she felt guilty for knowing her answers. which tells that she is not entirely innocent but still but she is not guilty as well.

    KATIE: Katie did felt guilty for even considering cheating and that was the reason that she didn't cheat.

    SARAH: if sarah hadn't caught got that would make her feel guiltier all her life for cheating on her midterm test.

    1. Katie didn't try and convince her friend not to cheat though? Is this a factor

    2. why did you do katie 3 times

    3. yes that might be a factor but katie did wanted to cheat and changed her mind while the test was on so she cant really convince her not to cheat in the middle of a test

    4. @kevin i wrote katie three times cause there were three questions for katie

    5. did Katie really want to cheat?

    6. well at first place she did wanted to cheat but while the test was on she felt guilty. so she stoped

  3. character|guilt level
    JAKE |OVER 9000
    Reasons : Jake should feel the most guilt out of all of the characters in this book , after all if he didn't give the answers away to Sarah none of this would have happened and no one would be in trouble

    character|guilt level

    Reasons : Sarah should feel second most guilty because she got the answers from Jake, then she spread them all out, so instead of only her getting in trouble she gets everyone else in trouble or at least somehow involved with cheating on this midterm.

    character|guilt level

    Reasons: Dan ratted out Sarah just blaming her on giving him the answers, he also got in huge trouble from his parents not letting him go to the wedding. So basically grounded , like forever.

    character|guilt level

    Reasons: Dan got grounded forever and told on Sarah ruining their friendship, but then again rob is going to do anything at all to get that test away from his parents even if it means forging and stealing their phones to make sure Mr.Chen does not call.

    character|guilt level
    KATIE |She should not feel guilty at all

    Reasons: Katie did not cheat doing the right thing, even though Sarah seems like she hates Katie, Sarah seems like she can't hold a grudge against her so Katie should not feel guilty whatsoever.

    1. well kevin dont u think katie is a little guilty since she did choose to use the answers at first and she even studied them

    2. katie should feel guilty because she considered taking the answers in the first place.

    3. No not at all she should not feel the need for guilt because she didn't cheat. Even though she studied them she probably got most the answers right because she didn't use the answers.

    4. @Foram Gandhi
      Even if she did consider taking the answers she did not cheat.<--- thats a period

    5. she should because she could've said no in the first place but she didn't. what if she remembered a few answers on the day of the test????????

    6. ty Mr.Cheney but right now its FORAM SRUSHTI VS KEVIN (im losing D:)

      Mr Cheney July 19, 2013 at 6:10 AM
      Katie didn't try and convince her friend not to cheat though? Is this a factor

    8. but when u think about cheating, ur commiting a crime from the beginning even if u try to stop it later

    9. She thought about cheating but went the other way
      Its like when you think about doing something your parents don't want you to do and you don't do it
      are you really commiting a crime like that

    10. true and kevin katei cant really convince her friend not to cheat in the middle of a test now thats a point

    11. I agree with Kevin....Katie didn't take the answers they were emailed to her and she opened it and POOF there were the answers. She didn't chose to take the answers they were just there, and plus she's a 8th grader im pretty sure she will take a mini cheat-cheat if she can, grade 8's would to anything to pass a test.
      As much as Katie studied the answers she didn't cheat so she wont get caught well theres nothing to even get caught for. She has no stress on her back rather then the fact that shes getting blamed for ratting Sarah , Dan and Rob out.
      @Foram: even if she did take them Mr.Chen wont know, she took the answers but she didnt cheat there is no proof to anything so she is safe.

    12. Can she not just take an ERASER and "accidentally" write don't cheat on it and throw it at Sarah. There has to be some way that the teacher will not see her trying to convince Sarah not to cheat

    13. kevin it also like first you decide to tell ur teacher that ur friend was hitting some 1 but change ur mind the last minute do u think that's not called feeling guilty

    14. u hav a point kevin but she has already read and studied all the answers. using ur example, wat if the child already did a part of something their parents didn't want them to do and then flee? they're still guilty for that little thing aren't they?

    15. @Foram: Thinking and doing are two different things. She was thinking to commit a crime but she didn't. Its like smoking....Some people get the thought that they should smoke but they dont. So there's nothing to really prove that she smoked, which means she didn't commit a crime. #teamkevin

    16. well take ur self in that place u throw a papeer saying dont chaet at ur frined and a teacher sees that would make u and ur friend in trouble u really want katie to even dare to make her self in trouble

    17. Im agreeing with Kevin and Foram, Katie should feel a bit of guilt but she didnt use the answers so the cant really call her a cheater.

    18. If i told my teacher lets say Mr.Isaacman i was hitting someone then i said im not hitting someone................. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT
      Also for the fact that Katie did not get caught, SHE DIDN'T EVEN CHEAT

    19. i dont agree with u neha because wat if sarah tells on katie? she is mad at her.

    20. I agree with Kevin and Neha

    21. @Srushti what if i Katie does not get caught throwing an eraser at Sarah saying "DONT CHEAT"

    22. well she did commit a crime if not by cheating but still she could have told the truth to the teacher.

    23. well kevin wat if they did get caught u shoulnd't take chance like that in a midterm test its like u throw a paper saying dont cheat to some 1 in the middle of EQAO and if a teacher sees that the next thing u no u and ur friend r in the office

    24. the reason why im saying katie is guilty is because she has studied for the answers. and neha, wat if someone decided to smoke and then smoked a little bit and then quit? they're still guilty right

      then what happens

    26. its also like u r told by a person to kill some 1 and u hurt them a loy=t but change ur mind last minute isn't that a crime

    27. kevin think reality. no one will dare to throw a paper

    28. well wat if they do get got wat would happen a nd even if they dont u really think sarah would listen to katie if she had the answers

    29. But she didnt cheat and erase all of her answers she just did not cheat at all
      if she cheated and erased all of her answers then that wouuld give her guilt

    30. but she still got the answers in the first place. do u not get that

    31. i agree with foram and srushti. the answers were emailed to her but she had to decide what she wanted to do with those. she could have told the teacher about it or her friends not to cheat but she what she did was study all those answers. which still makes her guilty.

    32. @Foram Sarah can rat out Katie, but there is no proof that she cheated and thats clearly shown by her mid terms

    33. she still studied them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    34. i agree with foram n srushti n kevin she did not use the answers and some1 will see if u r throwing a peice of paper to someone so katie should feel a little guilty

    35. But did she use them...? NO SHE DIDN'T

    36. @Dhavani
      She should have not told the teacher for reasoning
      A) ruining her friendship
      B) probably will get her suspended because she got the answers as well

      And you said she had to make a desicion she chose not to cheat

    37. Wasn't Katie the only one who felt guilty????

    38. She didn't use them on the test

    39. Pooja Patel July 19, 2013 at 6:33 AM
      But did she use them...? NO SHE DIDN'T

      YES SOMEONE ON MY SIDE then again

      Rachel Guo July 19, 2013 at 6:33 AM
      i agree with foram n srushti n kevin she did not use the answers and some1 will see if u r throwing a peice of paper to someone so katie should feel a little guilty

      (rachel dhavani srushti foram VS kevin pooja) SOMONE COME ON MY SIDE D:

    40. @Foram: okay but Katie didnt cheat at all...she wrote the answers down on her mid term but then erased it. She cheated but then didnt cheat and its always about the final product, its always about what you will hand in. Katie knows she wont get in trouble because her answers are totally different then Rob Sarah and Dan. I think overall she has nothing to be worried about

    41. Kevin many are on your side . Don't fabricate a narrative of everyone against me! The debate is split, the debate is great, keep the fire burning!!!

    42. yi agree with u mr cheney. katie felt guilty herself. so why r we discussing this then

    43. ya see kevin if katie thimks she is guilty than whuy r u trying to change the truth she did feel guiltyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    44. other people are agreeing to you Kevin. that wouldn't make you alone

    45. @Person with strange letters for a name (cant read that)

      "she wrote the answers down on her mid term but then erased it"
      I did not remember that

    46. but pooja she still studied them. she is atleast 5-10% guilty

    47. @Foram: she studied them but didnt write it down..Its like you want to write a bad word on someones sheet...you think about it but dont write it so can i accuse you of writing a bad word on my sheet? Not really because theres nothing on my sheet saying you wrote a bad word. Theres nothing to be worried about because no one can read your mind , you wont get in trouble because the teacher doesnt see anything on the paper

    48. pooja so wat if she didn't use them she still studied them so she should feel guilty because she changed her mind at the last minute n if she warned Sarah before this would have never happened

    49. @Srushti this isnt math there is not right and wrong its just our opinions your making me think that you have all the right answers and i have nothing to say about it

    50. Katie may not have technically cheated...but does knowing the right answers BIAS your responses to a test? What if she double checked? What if knowing she was right or wrong allowed her to move onto other questions? and if so then did she not benefit from knowing the answers?

    51. neha: katie still wrote the answers down. she is at least a little bit guilty, she is, and she should be

    52. I agree with Dhavani. In ur response (kevin), you said katie isn't guilty at all but now dhavani has shown you why.

    53. we want the debate...having an opinion means speaking, listening, adapting.

    54. I agree with kevin because even though she had the answer she chose not to use them and that takes a lot of effort because it like you have something in front of you and you want you resist from taking kt

    55. thank u mr cheney i totally agree with u! thats kinda wat i was saying. wat if katie remembered the answers

    56. @Khushi
      I still think that Katie should not have guilt at all NO ONES GONNA CHANGE THAT

    57. @Kevin: its me Neha the girl thats sitting behind you. Yes, Katie did do that on her mid-term. She wrote them down on her sheet then realized they were wrong.

    58. feeling guilty and being guilty are similar but NOT the same

    59. well i think katie is not really guilty for not cheating but she can be guilty for knowing them

    60. TEAMS
      IN THE MIDDLE :Mr Cheney AND person with wierd letters for a name

    61. @Kevin: either way im trying to say that even if she did mark aacbc on her sheet its okay because she ended up erasing it

    62. after getting the answers on her email, katie had a chance to tell on them but as being a good friend she didn't and let them cheat. Is that not guilty?

    63. @Srushti

      Mr CheneyJuly 19, 2013 at 6:41 AM
      feeling guilty and being guilty are similar but NOT the same

      Which one of those are you saying katie has feeling guilty or IS guilty

    64. anyways katie is making her self feel guilty that proves that she is guilty and she knows that she is not as guilty as jake, rob, dan and sarah but still guilty

    65. the weird letters for a name is neha

    66. @Neha, I thought Rob is the one who wrote the answers and then realised thehy were wrong

    67. kevin katie should feel guilty because if she realized she should have not cheated in the first place she could have saved sarah from getting in trouble n she did study the answers so she should feel GUILTY.

    68. I overall believe Katie isnt guilty of anything, but she can feel guilty because the thought of cheating crossed her mind.

    69. kevin the person writing wierd letters for a name is Neha

    70. Kevin, if you were a good friend to someone who was about to cheat on a midterm, would you let them, or still tell just to be on the safe side?

    71. @Pooja was it Rob? If it was then my bad but either way even Katie did or didnt she didnt cheat , the cheating answers weren't on her paper when she handed it in

    72. feeling guilty or is guilty still equals to guilty thanx for helping kevin

    73. SrushtiJuly 19, 2013 at 6:43 AM
      anyways katie is making her self feel guilty that proves that she is guilty and she knows that she is not as guilty as jake, rob, dan and sarah but still guilty

      You said that shes making her self feel guilty because she is guilty
      Im saying that shes not guilty and she does not have to make her self feel guilty

    74. Does it really make Katie completely innocent at the fact that she knew Sarah, Dan, and rob were cheating but she decided not to tell Mr Chen?

    75. im trying to say that katie thinks she is guilty but she is not as guilty as the others

    76. Foram GandhiJuly 19, 2013 at 6:45 AM
      feeling guilty or is guilty still equals to guilty thanx for helping kevin

      Feeling guilty and being guilty are 2 very different things (by mr cheney)
      What if you feel guilty but your not like its when you see a doughnut that you think its not yours but you eat it anyway
      And your feeling guilt for no reason BECAUSE ITS YOUR DOUGHNUT

    77. or did she not tell because she was afraid that she would have got caught to or sarah would have gave her up saying katie was involved too?

    78. i agree with preet katie could've told on the others but she didn't because she knew that somehow she was a part of it

    79. It was Rob. and you're right Neha

    80. true i agree with kevin feeling guilty and being guilty r 2 different things

    81. Katie IS guilty beacuse she knew the answers but then it would kind of be just like jake who knew but didn't use them. so if Katie just told one more friend, would she be as guilty Jake (above all the others)?

    82. they r. but, in this case, they're not because she still commited a crime by knowing the answers. for example.

      a friend steals something and u helped them but u didn't steal it but u blame everything on them even tho ur part of it. its still comminting a crime isnt it?????????

    83. @Khushi
      Ok im gonna restate this
      Feeling guilty and Being guilty are both very different (By Mr Cheney)
      "Katie IS guilty"
      did she cheat?
      did she use those answers?
      did she SPREAD those answers?

    84. khushi if katie told another friend n that friend cheated then she would be as guilty as jake because thats what he did n look where they r now

    85. @Khushi I disagree with you. Katie is NOT guilty.

    86. and even tho they r too different things katie is a part of both she feels that she is guilty and she knows that she is guilty

    87. kevin if u were in katie's place and u knew that ur friends are goin to cheat what would u do:
      A)Tell on them
      B)Don't tell anyone and let them cheat

    88. @Rachel
      Why would Katie be as guilty as JAKE WHO STARTED EVERYTHING

    89. @Dhavani
      A) I would tell on them and just go make friends with ruby if I were to be Katie

    90. "Katies isn't guilty"

      did she accept the answers from sarah
      did she read and study the answers
      did she write the answers on her test
      did she tell sarah not to cheat

    91. @kevin
      Katie is guilty because she knew they were going to cheat and if she wanted to be a good friend, she would go and tell so their TESTS and marks would be alright.

    92. @Srushti She is not guilty she might feel like it but she IS NOT GUILTY

    93. kevin i never said that i said IF. i was answering khushis question n KATIE IS GUILTY!!!

    94. Kevin is right. how can Katie as guilty as Jake. Katie and Jake didn't start it. only Jake did. I don't think Katie should be as guilty as Jake

    95. no she didn't cheat
      no she didn't use the answers
      no she didn't speard the answers.
      She she know the answers? yes she did know the answers. 1/4=25% of cheating there everthing clear

    96. and keep in ur mind what u said if u pick A then it will RUIN FRIENDSHIPS and if u pick B wouldn't that make u GUILTY

    97. @Khushi But shes not getting guilty for friendship
      The book says that She did not cheat She should not be guilty at ALL
      and if she were to be a good friend she should just leave it alone and just make them learn a lesson on WHY YOU SHOULD NOT CHEAT


    99. @Srushti

      no she didn't cheat
      no she didn't use the answers
      no she didn't speard the answers.
      She she know the answers? yes she did know the answers. 1/4=25% of cheating there everthing clear

      But she did not USE the answers even though she used it

    100. so kevin u see my point? katie IS GUILTY

    101. another proof would be that after getting the email, she memorized the answers using the aacbc pattern. if she didn't want to cheat, would she have done that?

    102. i agree with every1 but i still go with katie is guilty but not as much as others

    103. thank u dhavani and rachel


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  6. I think Jake was guiltier than Sarah. that is because only 3 students were caught, and they were: Rob, Dan, and Sarah. Jake was not caught yet. if Jake was caught, he would have been equally guilty as Sarah.

    I think that Sarah was more guilty than Dan and Rob. that is because Jake gave Sarah the answers, and then Sarah passed it around. That's how Dan and Rob may have gotten them. That means that Sarah must have been more guilty than those 2.

    Katie was a lot less guilty for not using the answers. if she used the answers, she would have been as guilty as Dan, Rob, and Sarah.

    Katie wasn't entirely innocent. that is because she took the answers and studied "animal animal cat boy cat". The only reason she isn't as guilty is because she changed her answers, and did not use the ones she was given.

    If Sarah wasn't caught, She would've been guiltier. But right now, she is equally as guilty as the other 2 students that were caught.

    1. Wait so do you think that Katie is innocent or no? Because she studied it but didn't use it.....?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. she would be innocent for not using it.

    4. do you think Jake would be caught because I don't think he used the answers?

    5. i know, but he started it all. he is the one who gave Sarah the answers.

  7. Sara is as guilty as Jake because Jake gave Sara the answers then sara handed them out to her friends VIA email. Katie is not too guilty, she got the answers but she decided not to use them so shes some what guilty not much though. Dan and Rob are equal but maybe robs just a little higher on the not guilty side of things because he was cheating but realized that these answers were wrong. Then Rob paniced a bit and wondering wht other questions are wrong and then rob asked Dan about the wrong questions and Dan said 'just go with it getting questions wrong makes it look more real that we did it' So the guilty meter goes like this.....Jake Sara Dan Rob Katie

    1. I disagree because Katie is taking the punishment by herself

    2. Well you are right in a way BUT Katie took those answers which means she is a bit guilty

    3. Well i disagree with Suhaib

  8. Jake is as guilty as Sarah is or maybe more because even though he did not use that answer sheet but he did steal those papers from and give them to Sarah. If he had nt done that then all this would not have started in the first place. Katie is not entirely innocent, she is guilty, but less guilty than Sarah. She did accept those papers but did not use the answers. Sarah is more guilty than Rob and Dan. Rob and Dan did cheat and so did Sarah, but it was Sarah who gave those answers to them.

  9. Jake- The most guiltiest because if he never gave the annswers to Sarah none of this would've started.

    Sarah- The second most guiltiest in my opinion. Why would she give others the answers to? It went out to many people and it spreded...

    Dan- He is equally guilty because he saw the answer sheet and used the answers.

    Rob- Rob is also at fault.. If he didn't cheat he would've been at home but because he cheated he was scared to go back home so he never did reach home..

    Katie- I don't think Katie is guilty at all because she did see the answers but she didn't use them.. If she didn't use them it doesn't count as cheating.. But thats what I think......

    1. Do you think that Katie is completely not guilty?

    2. Jake is indeed the catalyst for this disaster UNLESS Sarah really did trick Jake into getting the answers the way he thinks

    3. Muna- Actually i think that she is kind of guilty but less than all the others.
      Mr.Cheney- True true. If Sarah did trick him into it then she is also on the same level of guiltyness like Jake. But did Sarah reallt trick Jake into getting the answers?

  10. SARAH RON AND DAN: I think Sarah, Rob,and Dan are all equally guilty because they all cheated and since Mr.Chen caught them all they are all guilty because they had the choice not to cheat but since they cheated they are all guilty.

    JAKE:I think Jake is the guiltiest person in the book because he is the one that started the whole thing and now he is mad at Sarah when She is trying to help him by not telling Mr.Chen that he gave her the answers

    KATIE:I think Katie is not so guilty but not so innocent either because she knows who cheated, she almost cheated and she took the answers from Sarah so I think she is the least guilty person in the book but should feel guilty because when she chose not to cheat she should have tried to change Sarah's instead of letting her cheat.

      First of all nice spelling mistake
      Second of all Sarah gave the answers to everyone, don't you think that she would have a little bit more guilt than everyone else?

    2. Do you think Sarah is more guilty than Rob and Dan? because she gave the answers to rob and dan...

    3. Yea i mean if she did not spread those answers around they would not be in trouble

    4. But now she is taking be punishment by herself so that gets rid of guilt

    5. I think Sarah is way more guiltier than Dan and Rob she emailed the answer sheet to everyone ontop of the fact that she cheated

    6. Sarah should have more guilt than "RON AND DAN"

    7. No because she is taking the burden and punishment for every body who cheated qnd so that .ake her less guilty

    8. i disagree with u kevin because jake should feel the guiltiest for emailing Sarah the answers in the first place just because he liked her

    9. I agree with Rachel and Deandre because Jake is h one who gave the answers to Sarah

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  12. Jake guilt levels 9/10

    Jake is one of the most guilty people be ause he is the one who got them all in trouble because he was the one how started it and is guilty that Sarah is going to tell on her

    Sarah guilt level 8/10

    Her guilt level would be higher but she is taking the punishment anx the burden for everyone who cheated. Because she is the only one who is suspended. So her guilt level would be 9 but she is carrying everyone's burden

    Dan guilt level 6/10

    Dan is a 6 because he is really easy going and so he doesn't see much of the guilt but he probably feels bad for telling on Sarah.

    Robs guilt level 9/10

    Because he did cheat and after cheating he ran away from home amd he was scared so he basically has the most guilt or must be feeling most pf the guilt when he really shouldn't

    Katie guilt level 1/10

    Katie is guilty but not as guilty as the rest because she had plans to cheat but she didn't at the end that is why she not as guilty as the others

    1. i disagree with Robs 9/10. he should get an 8 or 7 because he did cheat but half way through he realized the answers were wrong then he asked Dan and Dan said just go with it. So Rob was debating to Cheat or not but he did so Rob should be 8/10

    2. But he ran away from home and he was feeling the most guilt out of all of them

    3. he didnt feel guilt he just didnt want to get in trouble with his Dad

    4. Yes he did that is why he ran away and he probably now is feeling guilty that he ran away

    5. I disagree with Katies 1/10 and Sarahs 8/10 and Robs 9/10. Katie almost cheated making her like a 4/10 and Sarah should be a 9/10 because she gave the answer sheets to everyone. Rob shoud be tied with Dan because they both just cheated. Sarah and Jake are more guilty than anyone.

    6. Muna i disagree with you,

    7. Dan and Rob shouldnt be tied Rob is less guilty,Katie should be a 2/10 and Sara should be at 8/10 because Jake just gave the answers to her she didnt ask she just went with it.

    8. But she still wanted them anx so she is guilty

    9. she is guilty but not really that guilty.2/10 for Katie

    10. the levels are a great way to assess the guilt. Easy to follow and understand

    11. You're right Deandre. katiie didn't actually cheat. she only got the answers.

    12. @Suhaib Rob is supposed to be less guilty than Sarah

  13. How guilty each character is in my opinion:

    Rob: Rob is guilty because he used the answers Sarah gave him and didnt show his parents the test.

    Dan: Dan is guilty for using the cheat sheet.

    Katie: Katie is guilty for almost cheating but than backed out because she felt so guilty.

    Sarah: Sarah is guilty for:

    1. Accpeting the cheat sheet from Jake
    2. For emailing it to the whole class
    3. For cheating

    Jake: Jake is guilty for giving the cheat sheet to Sarah and starting this whole problem. He is also guilty because he didnt tell the truth that he started this problem resulting in Sarah, Rob and Dan's suspension

    Jake is the guiltiest
    Sarah s a close second
    Dan and Rob are tied
    And Katie is the least guitiest

    1. great organization in your response! Very easy to follow and understand your evaluation.

  14. Replies
    1. Sarah didn't really send it to the whole class it was only Rob Dan and Katie.

    2. My mistake, your right. But it is still wrong that she gave it to them.

  15. I would say that Rob is more guilty then Sarah because he didn't go home. only because of he thinks that he won't be able to tell his parent that is has cheated on his midterm exam.
    Dan is less guilty then Sarah because he cheated for Sarah.
    I think Jake is guilty as much Sarah is because he gave his answers to Sarah. Sarah gave all the answers to those Jake gave her to Katie.
    Katie is less guilty because she didn't use the answer those Sarah gave her.

    1. I disagree. Sarah is way more guiltier than Rob because she gave out the answer cheats and she shouldnt have taken it in the first place. If Sarah never took the answer sheet than this whole problem would have been avoided!

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  17. Jake and Sarah:
    They would most probably be the most guilty because jake gave the answers on to Sarah and he would be the only most guilty person if Sarah hadn't chosen to pass them on to her friends as well.

    Dan and Rob:
    Dan doesn't really show his feelings with all the cool attitude but he would be guilty but a little less than Jake and Sarah because he also cheated with the others but blamed it on Sarah in the office. Rob would be equally guitly because though he didn't blame it on anyone, even after cheating, he's trying every possible way to keep the test away from his parents.

    She would be the least but still would be guilty because though she didn't cheat, being a part of those knowing the answers would be one step into cheating. The only decision she could have would be to use them on the test or not.

    1. Who do you think is guiltier Jake or Sarah??

  18. Is Jake as guilty as Sarah?
    Yes Jake is as guilty as Sarah because he is the one who gave Sarah the answers in the first place. If Jake didn't bring out those midterm answer sheets then none of this would have really happened, I don't think before Jake and Sarah gave out the test answers, anybody even thought of cheating on the test.
    Is Katie as guilty as Sarah? Katie is not as guilty as Sarah but she isn't exactly innocent for not using the answer. She did consider using the answer sheets and it was at last minute that she changed her mind into not using the answers.
    Rob and Dan are equally as guilty as Sarah because they accepted the answers and used them on the test too. The fact that rob stopped using the answers when he realized they were wrong doesn't make him any less guiltier because he still decided to cheat in the first place one way or another.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Jake :I think that Jake is the most guilty because if he hadn't given Sarah the answers to the test then this whole cheating dilemma wouldn't have even started in the first place.
    Sarah: I think Sarah is second guiltiest because she spreaded the answers out to all of her friends when she knows she shouldn't have and she knows that Jake had only given the answers for only her and not her friends.
    Dan and Rob: I think Dan and Rob are equally guilty because they both made a descsion to take advantage of the answers that they received from Sarah.
    Katie: I think that Katie is least guilty because she did take the answers from Sarah but decide not to take advantage of them. so she is guilty, but not as guilty as all of the others.

  21. Was Jake as guilty as Sarah?

    In my opinion most certainly even maybe a bit more than Sarah because Sarah already got caught she knows the consequences but Jake is standing on the rope its scarier. Jake was the starting point of this issue. If he didn't like Sarah, then he wouldn't have gave her the answers, and if he didn't give Sarah the answers then she wouldn't have forwarded it to Rob, Dan and Katie, if she didn't forward it the thought of cheating wouldn't even breeze across their minds, if she didn't forward it they wouldn't have cheated, and if they didn't cheat they wouldn't have gotten into this mess, and some sort of confusion wouldn't come between friendship/relationships. Jake was partially the main reason to this issue, and by partially I mean if you think about it Jake didn't pressure anyone to cheat...they had the option to say no but, they chose not to say no and cheat on. Jake is scared no one rats him out because if they do then Jake’s reputation is gone its done, and Jake doesn’t want that to happen.
    In my opinion as soon as Jake got home he went to check the phone to see if any phone calls or voice-mail came from Mr.Chen, right after he went to take a nice hot bath to get this heavy brick off his shoulders the thought of what the students at school think of him right now keeps wandering in his head.Jake keeps thinking if he didn't start this what would have happened how good it would have been. Jake wishes he could go back in time and change everything.Right now Jake is in his room a bit chickened out starring at his landline hoping when it rings it isn't Mr.Chen. The thought of suspension and failing mid-terms wounds his brain, his family keeps asking if everything was alright so Jake makes up a few lies but his mom knows something fishy and she's going to go on a hunt and ask a few friends.

    1. Was I more or less guilty then Rob and Dan ?
      Sarah, In my opinion was a bit more guilty then Rob and Dan. I state this because Rob and Dan got the cheat cheat from Sarah, if Sarah didn’t send the answers they wouldn’t have been in such trouble. I would say Sarah put them in this sort of trouble and seriously for Rob and Dan there’s no one to blame but Sarah because they only know the story up till there they don’t know where Sarah got it from. So Sarahs less guilty then Jake but guiltier then Rob and Dan not only is she guilty but she should also FEEL guilty. What she did was ethically wrong and the fact that she created a chain just made it 10 times worse.
      How much less guilty was Katie for not using the answers?
      Katie should not be or feel guilty at all! She may have taken the answers and memorized them but she didn’t use them. Its always about the final product, it’s always about the last final thing you hand in and in her final product she didn’t cheat the thought may have crossed her mind but she didn’t. Its like a project , you start off with a rough draft this is just the small plain basics then you come to your second draft which is more organized and enhanced and then there’s you final product which is different than what you hand in mind it’s different than the rest of your drafts but the teacher doesn’t care about your roughs the mostly care about the last thing, so even if there are a few different things from the rough/second drafts to your final draft they don’t really mind. Katie is 10X less guilty then the rest for not cheating.
      Katie didn’t use the answers but how was she supposed to tell the rest of the people not to cheat? Shouldn’t they already know not to cheat? Its mid-terms its crazy people are freaking out , teachers are getting strict you can’t possibly find a way to tell Sarah not to cheat. She can feel a bit guilty on that but either way there was no way.

      And how about if I hadn't got caught? Would that make me guiltier or less guilty? Is there some kind of spiritual measuring stick or justice scales or something that assigns level of guilt?
      If Sarah didn’t get caught for the first few days’ maybe weeks she would be scared and very guilty! Maybe after she receives her mid-terms she won’t be guilty anymore, because that relive of her not getting caught is gone because she received her marks and and everything’s done. You highly doubt a teacher to go back few months later and then realize that she cheated
