Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

If you are new or old to blogging it doesn't matter! Get going, get involved and get busy learning.

Mr. Cheney

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 14

Summer School 2013 8/7 Day 14 Monday July 22

Helpful Apps: Snapseed (free), Lens Light (Paid), Over or overgram, iMovie, Filmic Pro, Movie Looks,  

Joke of the Day (The Gold Book):

May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.

Getting Started and Whats on Twitter: Reaching for MLKs Dream, 50 Examples of photo retouching, 
Journal Response:

Many professional athletes and entertainers earn large sums of money. Do you agree or disagree with these individuals making high salaries? Use specific details and examples to convince others to support your position.
  • Include 1 highlighted high end word in each paragraph
  • If you have a device you can use it to browse for famous quotes from others on the topic to support your position (make sure you make full reference)
  • Walk About - discuss 
Take up Journal Response on Wisdom and high end words 

With those 3 words you will: Write out the definition of one, Put another one in a rhyming lyric, and use the final one in a brief paragraph. Example “its all NATURAL to be all FACTUAL

The Cheat 
Characters: Sarah (poetry/cool/popular, mother blames divorce), Rob (afraid), Katie (nervous, father passed away), Ruby (jealous girlfriend, sister is getting married), Jake (the man that started it all), Dan (smug and supremely confident,mother defends him ), Mr. Chen (Principal)

Read Aloud: 

Making Trailers:

Continue with Trailer making 

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