Welcome to the Blogging experience! Blogging is a wonderful and productive way for students to work, share and discuss topics in class. The blog will be used to discus our novel "The Cheat" and also be a online bulletin board to share work finished in class.

If you are new or old to blogging it doesn't matter! Get going, get involved and get busy learning.

Mr. Cheney

Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 3

Summer School 2013 8/7 Day 3 Friday July 5

Helpful Apps: Snapseed (free), Lens Light (Paid)

Joke of the Day (The Gold Book):

 People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.

Getting Started:
Devices on desk! Download Snapseed, 


Read Aloud 
The Cheat 
Characters: Sarah (poetry/cool/popular), Rob (afraid), Katie (nervous), Ruby (jealous girlfriend), Jake (the man that started it all), Dan (smug and supremely confident), Mr. Chen (Principal)

This is a middle school book about cheating on a geography midterm. What makes it charming and thought-provoking is the fact that it's told from the points of view of six kids who were involved, with 2 or 3 pages of text at a time told in each kid's distinctive voice. The voices are great: they make the book.

This is a book that I picked up as a MS reading teacher. I try to read books to recommend for my students. I would NOT recommend this book. The book focuses on a group of friends who get caught (some not caught) cheating on a midterm. The narration moves from person to person. I felt like there were too many voices--4 main, 2 supporting--for middle school students to follow. Because there were so many voice, the characters, in my opinion, were never really developed at all. I found myself asking, "Wait, is she the one who's dad died? or did he leave her mom? Which one was that again?" I also felt that there was no real resolution to the problem. The book explained what happened, but nothing was really resolved. Overall, a quick read, but not one that I would recommend to my students

Blogging for reading Responses

How to Blog:
Respond to polls
Fully developed reponses (4-5 sentences) / Provide specific examples / make real connections / engage and ask good questions from your peers 

Why Bother: blogging provides a real time, live and interactive environment to discuss our novel.  It also provides you with an opportunity to enhance your digital citizenship by learning how to communicate in the online environment. 

Digital Photography 
Lesson 1 Composition 

Using Thirds to construct your picture 

We will go outside and construct a photo composition (people are optional)
Use the example photos as a guide to constructing your photo. 
Then we will edit the photo using snapseed
Photos will be uploaded to my computer 


Math Reflection
Take up Reflection: My worst experience with math was when? (provide a vivid recall of the event, use math vocabulary in retelling the specific math task) 

Why Bother: Great math students are able to articulate and reflect on math experiences.  Reflection on achievement will highlight the skills that you were able to use in order score well. 

Math Problem of the Day
Math Lesson: 
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Math Video:

Math Site:

Math Task 

Journal Response:

Write about someone who has shared wisdom and experience with you. Explain why it is important to learn from the experience of others. Include specific details and examples in your response.

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